Asking for ID again with better picture


Active Member
Sorry for posting this again, but I never did get a clear answer and by the time I posted a good picture the post seemed to have lost interest.
Now that I have a good picture, I hope someone can give me a pretty definite answer as to what this is and whether it is good or bad. I'm mostly convinced it is not aptasia, but I'm not sure about mojano (sp).
What I know about it:
It is green
Picture is super macro. It is about the size of a pencil eraser.
It has not moved since I first noticed it.
If you touch it, it will retreat and pull inside.
Picture is of it coming back out. When fully out, it has a stalk.
Thanks for looking again.


I have posted similar pics of the same thing here before and was told it was a glass anemone. I bought a chunk of LR today at my LFS, and he agreed. when I asked him what aptasia looked like, he showed me on another piece of LR.
Pics to follow from my posting on the same subject.


Active Member
Aiptasia usually doesn't come in the form bright green or blue. Aiptasia is usually the color of its zooxanthellae.


From My experience I have never seen aglass anemone/aptasia in any color except brown. That thing doesn't look like an aptasia to me. If you are really paranoid about it, hit it with a high kalk dose, if not, wait and see if it proliferates. Either way, keep us posted. It seems that even the experts are stumped by your dilema, but as for me, I vote against aptasia.


Active Member
i have never seen aiptasia that colour, although it has the characterisitics of it.
Keep us posted,


Active Member
I also don't think it is aiptasia. It looks similar, but not quite right. Like everyone else, I can't tell you what it is though. Follow Sammy's advice: wait to see if it starts multiplying, then decide if you need to get rid of it. If it is always going to just sit there as one anemone, no reason to kill it off. It is kinda pretty. As an example: my friend has a nano with one huge aiptasia in it. It's been there for about a year and hasn't multiplied or moved at all, and it actually makes a pretty and interesting addition to his tank. So, aiptasia isn't ALWAYS a bad thing. The same is true for other unknown hitchikers.


Active Member
it looks like aiptasia but the color is wrong if it bothers you either hit it with a high dose of kalk of hit it with a shot of boiling water.just me .02$

bang guy

I don't know what it is. It doesn't resemble Aiptasia nor Mojano.
Is it reproducing?
If it were mine I'd let it grow or put it in a species tank until it can be identified.
If it reproduces I would kill the offspring.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
I don't know what it is. It doesn't resemble Aiptasia nor Mojano.
Is it reproducing?
If it were mine I'd let it grow or put it in a species tank until it can be identified.

I second this ..It has the body of an aptasia but not the colouring .It is possible this species has a green colored Zooanthelle as opossed to the brown..Keep us posted..


Active Member
It is just still a loner and has not reproduced. I'm going to keep and eye on it and see what happens. It does bother me not knowing what it is, but I don't want to kill it unless I know it is bad. I'll keep everyone posted if I find out what it is.
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Well, here is the reply I received from Dr. Ron Shimek:
It does appear to be a zoanthid. If the conditions are right for it, it should clone itself in your tank. They are generally harmless, and reasonbably decorative.
Cheers, Ron
I guess I'll keep it as it has not reproduced yet and has not bothered my yellow polyps.