

...population level.....
This game is getting very interesting. I'm getting about 10 pm's a day, from different players. I've got this going there, and that going here, .......I've got a player from BTA in the mix now. He said he was a Nemo last beta. Anyway, I seem to be the middle man...which is the way I like it....:D ...But I "reallly" do feel like Colin Powell......but, of course, I'm not Colin Powell.................but, I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.... :D


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
I notice that some planets are different colors than most others. What exactly does that mean? The players there have reached a higher level or something?

System levels are decided by the average of the top planets population and the lowest planets population.......from the homepage, go to about, and then the glossary.
When people are looking to attack a new system, they will often stray away from the top system because they are tougher to's kind of like a real star going blue dwarf or red giant.etc.


Active Member
Another use of the colors is to let you know when a system is in play. Once you get your biology up, it is hard to keep an eye on all the different systems. Many of the systems will be the same color, but if you start to see light blue colors, there will usually have been a planet turnover in that system. My home system is now red (the only one this color in a bio 12 area).
If you see that a player's fleet is busy invading another system, that player's home system is more likely to be vulnerable, particularly to a group attack.
Belothsurf - make sure that the player from BTA knows that you have a saltwater tank. Some Nemos split off after last beta as they were less interested in an alliance win than in just having fun. I am finding that there are some egos involved in the CORE - which is a suballiance of the NEMOs. Even though one of the original members stumbled, they are not willing to change their plan.
I just launched a fleet which will have the equivalent of 1130 destroyers. I will try to bring down a home planet with a level 15 or possibly 16 starbase for my 12th planet. Wish me luck! The final attack lands tomorrow am.


Staff member should form our own alliance. Since most NEMOS are --. We could still be working partners, but it would be cool to have 2 "fishy" alliances. :D


Staff member
Ok, something fishy is going on with the farms. Twice now I have bought enough farms to upgrade and not only does it not upgrade but I don't get an added population point, but I do loose the pps that I invested! It is getting me mad.
Do I not know something or what? Should I complain or is their another mysterious explanation.


Staff member
You have to pay to join and you have to be accepted by the Alliance heads. Overall, you have to PROVE yourself worthy! :D


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Ok, something fishy is going on with the farms. Twice now I have bought enough farms to upgrade and not only does it not upgrade but I don't get an added population point, but I do loose the pps that I invested! It is getting me mad.
Do I not know something or what? Should I complain or is their another mysterious explanation.

Perhaps is your social science level too low? If you have reached the population limit for you social level, the population will stop growing regardless of how many farms you buy. Social is a valuable science to be studied. I am at level 18 in it which is two points higher than energy, math or physics. The added benefit of a high social is that once daily at the update, if the social level is 6 points higher than the population level of your planets, one of your planets will go up a full level. I can now have a population of 12 go up to 13 which is a lot more valuable than having a population go from 1 to 2.
@jag - What are your coordinates? You need whatever alliance you are a part of to be close enough to help you. If you are near anyone from NEMO, CORE, BTA, or TZAR I can recommend you for admission. Can you see anyone with alliance tags near you? Some people start displaying tags at this point in the game. You also need to be player level 5 with less than 200 points to join an alliance.


Staff member
No, as I said my social is up there and the new planets I was adding farms to is low on pop, so I don't understand it. I posted in the forums.
I see that you are also having problems with exp points. Perhaps this game is buggy. However, I am getting upset with the farms issue. I have wasted several hundred pps already!


Staff member
Beta Al Tarf, my very own star system, just turned GREEN! :cheer:

Watch out ya'll, here I come! :joy:


I see where you are at Beth, on the big Map. You "are" way out there on the edge. If you go to the FAQ, and scroll down to the question about is there a map of the whole thing, you can find yourself,with your coordinates, in relation to everybody else. Kinda neat, because it's mapped out.... I'm way too close to the center.
Congrats on turning green:joy:
We just got a Super Wal-Mart and a Burger King......


Staff member
I turned GREEN, and was offerred a NAP from the top guy in my field of vision.
Thanks, NEMOS and Alliance have certainly given me an edge by hand-holdin' me.


Active Member
My home system is Red. The only other system that is red is the first system we took over and where I have 3 more planets. We have a star system level of 13 which is close to being in the rankings. I believe that the progression if from white to blue to green and then to yellow, red, and then dark blue, but I can't remember for sure after red.
The map will get prettier as your biology grows and the systems get built up.


ok, got a question I'm a bit confused on.....
I sent a pm to an "American" (flag), about 4 days ago, after I got bio 12 after the hard drive crash. The guy's name is freakydot. I get a friendly answer back, but vague. But the English was bad enough that I immediately thought this guy ain't.... "Kosher".
I then asked him who his friends and enemies were, and what state he was from.
He responds, that he is not really freakydot, and that he is only "playing this pseudo" while freakydot is on vacation, and that he is French. And that he is only to report attacks.
I responded with "yep, I didn't think you were American".
That was 3 days ago. Today I get a pm from freakydot. He said he is the "real" freakydot, and that he has been on vacation, and that he is French, and he would ally with me, if I wasn't "Frenchallergic". The only other person in his system is also French.
Was up with that? Why is he flying an American flag?
I read something in the forums about people setting up false accounts, and then going in and winning them after they have collected a bunch of points. And then there is the thing in FAQ about "account sitting". Who knows? and I've not responded yet, and I'm hoping this guy is French-American, and lives in Louisiana......if this guy is French, and posing as an American.......:mad: ......I better sign off before I say something bad.............:mad:


Active Member
I believe anyone in the world who uses AOL shows an american flag.................... and should rethink their service provider.



Yep, that's what it is. I just got a reply back from him and he said he had AOL. Guess I'll let him slide this time....:D


Staff member
Why would AOLers only show Am flags? :confused:
Sammy, AOL is the pits but folks with kids tend to use it because it is user-friendly for kids and it has a l lot of features there for the kids.
I still have my AOL just because it has been free for me for yrs, so why not have it if its free. However, I'm on comcast now, thank goodness.


Active Member

Originally posted by sammystingray
elfdoctors, why don't you have a tag? .

I'll have one before I have 200 points.


So, just a guesstimate Doc, or Sammy, how much longer can I expect this beta to last. I'm just trying to make some plans, before the big dogs move in. So far all I can see with a bio 12 is the BTA. And only 2 of them. The rest are very mixed. Think we have at least a few weeks?