At my Wits END!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a 29gal with about 40lbs of LR, a cleaner shrimp and sand shifting star a chromis. Also have a seabae Anemone and star polps.
In the last 2-3 weeks 1 pecula 2 seaae clowns and a coral beauty have died on me. The clowns were never house together they died in that order never house more than one clown at at time.
At the time before they died they were all swimming at the top of the tank, with mouths wide open and white spots.
Sal 1.023
temp 78-80
AMonia 0
Nirites 0
Nitates .20
PH 8.2
My Cleaner, star and blue legs are doing perfect.......
Any suggestions?????????
Thanks in advance...
:mad: :help:


Active Member
Stop adding fish.
Don't give up.
29 gallons is not going to support much of a bio load. Make sure your anemone has the proper lighting and if not find him a new home. If he dies in your tank your really going to feel like giving up. Dead anomes make a hell of a mess.
I am not clear from your post exactly what is left in your tank but like I said 29 gallons is not large enough for more than a few fish. Check over at the doctors site and you will find a nano section. This is a list of small fish that will stay small and are appropriate for your size tank.
Sound like your fish had ick and were also suffering from low oxygen content. Make sure your tank has good circulation and the surface of the water is being agitated and tank is uncovered for the proper exchange of gases.
Let the tank season for another month or two and dureing that time do as much research into the hobby as you can. Visiting forums like this was a good start. Then take stock of the situation and whether it is wise to add any more livestock.
Do not take what the guy at the fish store tells you as gospel. They are first and formost salesmen and often give some pretty suspect advice. Do your own research into every aspect of your tank and things will probably start looking up for you sooner than later.


Originally Posted by Jackal6666
At the time before they died they were all swimming at the top of the tank, with mouths wide open and white spots.
from the white spots description i would say Ick. Check the desease forum for description and treatment. there is a Mod in there that is very helpfull and knowedgable about desease (Beth).


Never give up, always try your best to solve the problem. IMO, I believe the reason your fishes are dying is because of ICH, as you stated the white spots on the clown. Adding any more fish will cause again the death by ich. My suggestion is to leave your tank fishless for couple weeks. And after that any fish you add QT them. Good Luck


Originally Posted by alyssia
How old is your tank?
I have had my tank for 2 months but it was my friends who had it about 5 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jackal6666
Will ich stay in the tank? Or is it just a fish by fish basis.

It will stay in the tank for 30 days. You need to move all fish to a QT tank for treatment or else they ich cycle will just go on and on.


Active Member
NO they don't. So remove the chromes and your going to do whats called "letting the tank go fallow". Ich is a parasite and if it cant find a host fish it will perish which is exactly what you want to happen. Should give it at lest a month or more of fish less tank to make sure. Do not medicate your tank.
Theres that month again for your research. Just browsing the forum here will give you a great start.
Good luck


Thank You ALL for the advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will get to work right away........
You all are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer:


What is your lighting over this 29 gallon tank if you don't mind my asking?


Well Thomas it is bare min right now. It has 2 stock flourecents white/blue 20w each.
My friend did give me a 2x96w balast with the double 32w lights but can not figure a way to retro fit with my canopy. So that is another one of my projects so my ANEMONE can be happy....


There is no way to convert one of those plastic canopy's to higher lighting (if plastic canopy is what you have) You would be better off building some type of canopy out of wood yourself.
I also feel (my opinion of course) that your lighting will be insufficient for a sebae, time and time again it is shown that sebae benefit best with MH lighting, there are very few exceptions to that.


Yes Thomas I am in 100% agreement about the lights!!!!!! However I have heard of those lighting fixtures that clamp to the tank and elevate over it. If I remove the plastic part where the lights are could that work????


Personally I'd simply get rid of the whole standard hood there, keep it open for gas exchange. Plenty of folks just have those brakets to hold the PC hood up over the tank. If the light winds up bothering you you can still build a box around the top.


The prob with that is that the fliteration sys is built into the back of it....... Eclipse sys
if you have anything that works good with this sys i am all for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:mad: I am beginning to hate those eclipse systems, Its like buying a computer from a box that you can hardly upgrade.

Im out of ideas unless you want to simply go with a hob filter and no hood.


Darn..... see Thomas I have gone and frustrated you :thinking:
Ok whats a hob filter and what light sys can i use with no hood????