ATT: Clown owners or experienced hobbiest


I've had a tomato clown for 2 to 3 weeks and he has gotten into the corner of the tank with his head facing down, tail straight up and hovered for a couple hours each day. He is really healthy! Has grown about an inch and would eat out of my hand if I let him. Is this normal? He is the only fish in the tank so it couldn't be a territory thing. Is this just part of his personality? Thanks all!

bang guy

It's absolutely a territory thing.
You can put most Clowns in a 5000 gallon reef and they'll just claim a tiny area and not venture far from it.
Perhaps it's using the glass as its host :p


Active Member
our first clown (before he figured out there was a LTA in the tank)
hosted the wire that attached the thermometer. He would swim in place almost upside down right next to the wire. The he finally saw the LTA and it was love at first sight.
The clown we have now will take a small piece of shrimp out of our hand and take it to his anemone. :D


i think they love corners. My tomato has an anemone which it hosts but every night it goes to its corner


Active Member
I've found that clowns in general tend to like the corner. I've had percs host the powerhead in the top corner of my tank. My tomato does host a bta and never ventures far from it.


New Member
My tomato clown claims a back corner of my tank. He has removed all the sand from the corner too. Only come out to eat or if another fish comes in the area of his territory. I have had My clown for over ten years now and you will find out as i did that they do some weird stuff. They are very interesting fish to watch.


Active Member
Before my tomato clown had the bta it used to fan the sand under a rock and sleep in the hole it made. Cute except for the mess.


another vote on the corner, got a perc in a 10 gallon. It hangs out in the corner most of the time.


Active Member

Originally posted by Trigger78
Thanks all. He is staying in the corner a couple hours a day and sleeps on top of the power head at night.

Yep, he's hosting the powerhead, crazy clown:D


:confused: I put three in wednesday and one is missing but the other two are fine swimming all over my tank, playing in the bubbles and in my currents i have 2 402 powerheads. I don't know where the other smaller one went but I get that problem of missing fish every now and then.



Originally posted by lovethesea
The clown we have now will take a small piece of shrimp out of our hand and take it to his anemone. :D

thats funny i am keep buying a diff. anemones for my percs ( i have 3 so far) they will not even go near them. does anyone know which ones they prefer?
Thanks. Alex.


Active Member
You guys are lucky u can hand feed urs mine is mean as hell if i even stick my finger and inch in the tank he attacks.


Active Member
I guess I am luck, my 2 clown fish have the peronality of a cow fish. Anytime I get near the glass on the tank they come up and say HI. But then again they are tank raised so this might have something to do with it.