Attinic benifient


What is so good about attinic lighting. Is it only that it makes the tank look better, or does it help the coral and anemones grow?


Active Member
I think that the color that it puts out is very readily used by the zooxanthelle for photosynthesis. So yoe it is beneficial.


I heard talk that some attinic bulbs arnt real attinic but only blue lights. I jsut purchased a 28 watt corallifeaqualight, 50/50, 10,000k/attinic. I HOPE i got a real attinic light?


The blue spectrum has the shortest wavelenths, therefore reaching greater depths in the ocean waters. The blue spectum of natral sunlight reaches depths up to 400 meters. The next colors are yellow and violet which reach depths of 30 meters. In nature most corals in nature get alot of the intensity of the blue spectrum as an aspect ratio to other colors in the spectrum.


Active Member

Originally posted by mlm
I think that the color that it puts out is very readily used by the zooxanthelle for photosynthesis. So yoe it is beneficial.

100% true. Also, corals under blue lights have natural coloration as they have it on the reefs.


All corals and most inverts absorb light at the blue end of the frequency curve far easier than at the red or shorter end of the frequencycurve. Actinics are a must when using frequencies below 10000k. Think of them as boosters to be used in conjunction with the regular frequency bulbs like 5500k or 6500k. You see it is the blue light that really makes the difference in photosynthesis and more is usually better.


In my opinion, they will thrive with the Actinic in conjunction with the daylight or 50/50 bulbs. As to whether they would thrive better just using the Actinic, I'm not sure, but sounds like an interesting experiment. I wonder if anyone has done that?


* To better simulate the softer hues of dusk and dawn and the blues of deeper water, it is necessary to use lighting with a higher blue component.
* The Actinic 03 phosphors in the Actinic lamps produce the majority of their light in the 400 to 490 nanometer (blue) range.
* Use of this lighting to condition the aquarium before and after the day-light cycle will reduce animal stress.
* Additionally, many marine invertebrates have evolved to depend on blue light, the wavelength which most readily penetrates the water.
* Supplementing with Actinic lamps ensures that corals and anemones get the light required for survival.

bang guy


Originally posted by sammystingray
Actinics don't have more blue light by ratio........just less of other colors.

Hey Sammy. I agree with this statement only for the 7100K PC Blue Bulb. The URI SuperActinic puts out only slightly less PAR than the equivalent AquaSun. True, the Actinic Phosphors are less efficient but I believe this is somewhat made up by the more energetic wavelength.
I agree 100% with your statement about dusk/dawn effect. It's meaningless to the corals, it really looks cool to me though :D
I have run a 100% Actinic tank before and the corals did just as well as any other reef tank I've cared for. It was a 55 with 4 X 110 watt Actinics. There is a disclaimer though... I only had corals that flouresced under Actinic light. It's very possible that these corals are able to use the Actinic better than other corals. OTOH it's also possible that these corals flouresce to protect themselves from that wavelength and other corals can actually do better under Actinic. I seen both sides of the research and nothing conclusive IMO.
This is a great topic for discussion. I'm glad it came up.


Staff member
I have an odd sized lighting setup so I can only use the 46"URI bulbs. What is the advantages of using Aquasuns? I have one of my 4-- 110watt VHOs as an aquasun, but did not really know what benefit they offer. I have read that the are good for sps.
We had a very good thread on lighting awhile back which got Archived, but then we lost the archieve forum. Hopefully, that thread is still here. Anyone remember the general name of the thread? It was a quiet popular thread/information post on lighting.

bang guy


Originally posted by Beth
I have an odd sized lighting setup so I can only use the 46"URI bulbs. What is the advantages of using Aquasuns? I have one of my 4-- 110watt VHOs as an aquasun, but did not really know what benefit they offer. I have read that the are good for sps.

I have found that the Aquasuns put out a high quality wide spectrum light. They have only one phosphor type so the spectrum does not change with time. They also seem to produce a reasonable amount of light for almost 2 years, twice as long as other bulbs I've tested.


Staff member
Ok, so that is a plus for life expectancy of the bulb. Is there a distinct advantage to the aquasun? I use it because it makes my lighting look good in my tank. Is there a meter or something that you can use to test the efficiency of bulbs?
I have 1 aquasun, 2-03s, and 1 actintic white URI 4x110 46"ea. That combo seems to give the best "appearance" to the tank. But is it the best lighting?? I did try replacing the aquasun once with another 03, but the display was way too blue for my taste.
I will say my sps's are doing very well both with color and growth. In fact, they are doing better than some of my softies!

bang guy

Bottom line on which URI VHO bulbs are idea:
Whatever looks best to YOU :)
There is a device called a PAR Meter you can use to test the bulbs. With it you will find that the AquaSun produces a little more PAR than the ActinicWhite and the ActinicWhite produces more PAR than the SuperActinic. IMO the differences are not significant. Your SPS will adapt to just about any spectrum you throw at them in the visible spectrum. They only get upset when the spectrum changes significantly and even that is just temporary.
My views might be controversial. They are however, backed up by some of the most recent research.
Reefgeek... are you out there? :D


I read in a book that antics blues can be ran 24/7 from an older book. Is this true, I really didnt agree with some of the other thought on reefkeeping that were mentioned in the book.

bang guy


Originally posted by jarvis
I read in a book that antics blues can be ran 24/7 from an older book.

This sounds like an exceptionally bad idea if you have any coral or fish.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
I have found that the Aquasuns put out a high quality wide spectrum light. They have only one phosphor type so the spectrum does not change with time. They also seem to produce a reasonable amount of light for almost 2 years, twice as long as other bulbs I've tested.

Bang Guy,
Does this mean other VHO bulbs (URI, for example)don't need to be replaced for one year? I thought it was 6 months....give or take. How about MH bulbs? I was told to replace afer a year? Is this correct?