Active Member
I met one guy who keeps his reef tank in his office. I saw this tank. What can i say... Very beautiful 200gal tank with something like 100 different species of corals and clams. Most corals are SPS and LPS and some softies. Tank is 10 years old. Guy is not just a reefkeeper. He showed me pictures wher he is in company with Julian Sprung and other doctors and proffessors of reef keeping.
Well, one thing was special about his tank. This deep tank is lit by 2 250W full spectrum MH bulbs for only 3 - 3.5 hours a day. The rest of the day there are only 4 or 5 NO fluoriscent bulbs are ON. These bulbs are even not rated as actinics or Blue2 (like my T5's). These bulbs are completely normal flouriscent bulbs sold in the lighting stores.
Well, one thing was special about his tank. This deep tank is lit by 2 250W full spectrum MH bulbs for only 3 - 3.5 hours a day. The rest of the day there are only 4 or 5 NO fluoriscent bulbs are ON. These bulbs are even not rated as actinics or Blue2 (like my T5's). These bulbs are completely normal flouriscent bulbs sold in the lighting stores.