ATTN: Bang Guy = 10,000



Oh Bug guy extrordinare, you ole sand Master.
I would like to be the first to start the countdown to 10,000 posts. It would seem if my math is correct that you have only 10 posts to go.
Edit: 8 posts to go
Edit: 5 posts to go
Edit: only 2 to go
I wish to congradulate you on being the second member of SWF.COM to make the grade to the 10k club.
Bang you make this board a marvelous place to be a member of. Thank you for all you have done for me and many others.
Congratulations Bang Guy :cheer: :cheer: :happy: :cheer: :cheer:


Active Member
w00t go bang! im counting down my first thousand as it is.. and your going on 10,000 lol.. cool thing is, that 98% of those 10,000 post are full of good and helpfull info


congrats Bang
can you e-mail me again? i'm having trouble with my e-mail. i'sem to be getting everyones posts on here from and it is driving me wacko, i can't get it to stop, tried usercp and anything eles there might be, i had 400. emails this morning alone. anyway congrats again. and looking forward to hearing from you.


Active Member
congrats i think we deserv new pic of the lagoon now though and some display shots.

bang guy

Hey! Thank you for all the attention.
I guess this is a good time to mention that I'll be disassembling my reef this month. I'm going to place all of my fish, corals & rock in the lagoon, add a brand new lighting system, and then re-build from the sand bed up.
Currently my Display is optimized for VHO lights. With the new HQI MH lighting I will want a completely different look.
The Lagoon is slowly switching from Caulerpa to Xenia & Chaetomorpha as well as LPS & Rose Anemone.


Active Member
Congratulations and thank you for the 10,000 tidbits of info!
Before I found this board I was like :confused:
...After I found it I was like :thinking:
Now everyone who sees my tank is like :D
and I am like


Active Member
:jumping: :jumping: thanks for all of your good advice.
and also thank you for you LN info..have we found him yet?
We need pics of him all grown up. :D


Active Member
he must be saving the 10K post for something good! (probably going to point out yet again that Bob's ideas are whack!)


Active Member
:thinking: how do we get him out? I think he's hiding.
Probably started partying in the shark tank.:eek: :scared:


Active Member
Congrats!! and as everyone else has said, thank you for your wisdom and desire to help us all out.


i've been watching these boards since last october. it became quickly apparent the research you've done and the ability you have to disperse it accurately. you are a real credit to this board. now, just get ol' kipass back and ban johnny macroseed on ethical grounds. jmo.