Attn: Kip


COME BACK YOU HELPED ME SO MUCH MAN!!!! What happend to Clint also, i havent seen him around lately
Come on guys im sure bob didn't mean to....


no unfortunately its not an april fool's joke, he's been posting on another board for about 3 or 4's not an obscure forum at all actually its very popular..he still has his website up (minus the logo), i'm not sure about email because i've never talked with him...


Say it isn't so!!!!!... I have been on other boards where this type of banter has taken over... Don't let it get to you and keep up the good advice... It would be a shame to lose excellent people who contribute so much to this board because of this type of rhetoric...
I work with a lot of engineers and they have a certain mindset which is ingrained in them from their first engineering course and takes them over, you have to take them with a grain of salt... The old saying "If your only tool is a hammer, Everything looks like a nail" definitely applies here...



Originally posted by skilos1
I don't understand it at all, some people have gotten kicked off this board for a lot less than what Bob is spewing.:rolleyes:

includnig me.....twice



Originally posted by skilos1
HAHAHA you deserved it.... good to see you're being nice...

lol, i dnt know if that was a compliment or not

Active Member
it has got a little bad that is why i have not been posting that much any more. if it is not fun then why would people hang out here with all the people that help us out giveng up on this board and going to other boards because there is not alot of
going on.


It is a shame when old timers leave. Some of Rye's old picture albums could have RIP over some good members. Sigh, it seems like only yesterday it took 50 posts to even become a peppermint shrimp and back then we weren't even sure Bang really had a 900 gallon refuge


If I had to guess I would say that our friend Kip is suffering from simple burnout. He needs a break. Kip has been blessing us on this board with his experience and wisdom to the tune of nearly 20 posts a day. Believe me it does get tiring.
I hope he takes a rest and comes back refreshed.



Originally posted by Thomas712
If I had to guess I would say that our friend Kip is suffering from simple burnout. He needs a break. Kip has been blessing us on this board with his experience and wisdom to the tune of nearly 20 posts a day. Believe me it does get tiring.
I hope he takes a rest and comes back refreshed.

I agree


i may be still somewhat new to swf, but in the two and a half months i have been on here, kip realy helped me. even if i asked what i thought was a dumb question. but he never made me feel like an idiot, like some people have on here. bb included. i don't want plants, plants, plants in my tank. i want to know how to take care of a problem, not cause more problems. and when somebody is helping people, like kip would, there should be consideration. not some a-hole jumping in on a conversation and start an arguement about who's right or who's wrong. we or i came to swf to get help and learn more about reefs. and twice i have felt belittled during a conversation with kip, when someone jump in the middle of kip helping with a problem.and they started an arguement with kip, (bb),to be exact. i wanted other peoples input also , but bb took over and domanated the whole thread that i started. but it's not just bb, there are a couple of others that also make some of us new people feel like an idiot. see those people forget that they to were new at one time, and they needed help also. twice i have thought about going to another sight, but i have also met some realy nice and helpful people on this site. so i'm not going to let a few bad apples spoil the whole bushel, as they say. so kip please don't stay gone very long. there are too many of us that value your help and knowledge. i know i miss reading your threads and the information you post to help others. i just want to say thank you kip for all you have helped me with


I agree that Kip was very helpful in the 4mths I've visited this board. He even gave me some free chaeto for my fuge. If you don't come back Kip, thanks again for the advice, it was appreciated.



Originally posted by skilos1
I've seen a couple of newbies come back on the board, post the results of bobs nonsense and say they have more problems then they had before they came to the board for help in the first place.

i agree,
you would think administration, from a sales point of view, would want people to come back to this site becasue they offer products... but when someone is "burned" by "Bob the BS artist" and his unproven web of "facts" ( i use that term loosely) that they aren't going to come back here for anything.
i wans't going to post on this subject but after reading some recent threads from people with quesitons and seeing bob's responses its only getting worse. at least Kip was active enough to steer people in right direction from bob misleading them. now it seems that might be over.
i dont know if bob posts on reefcentral or not but i can guarantee that they would rip his BS theories apart. i know i will be spending a lot more time over there from now on. the valuable people from this board (bang, terry b, jwtrojan) all post over there anyway and i'm sure a lot more.
so i'll see you all on the other side
BTW bob...the HLLE on my achilles tang has healed completely, my nitrates and phosphates have gone down to almost 0, i have no macro, use bio balls and the only change i made was going from tap to RO/DI a month and a half ago.


Maybe we all should get together and vote Bob "off the Island so to speak"...It's a real shame that Kip has to leave over someone's ignorance and misleading advise.Kip has done so much to help everyone that has ask for advise myself included and it all comes down to this.What a shame. No I am not taking anything away from anyone else NM.....Bang...waterfaller....reefnut...the list goes on forever.But maybe we can all pull together and get him and all of his knowledge back on here to help all of us out.Not to mentioned what a great guy he is!!!!!!!!!!!!1

nm reef

Active Member
Maybe its time for a simple "put up or SHUT UP thread"...maybe a look at plantmans display using HIS methods compared to pics of displays using other methods...then the members can decide what they want to look at in their homes....but sadly even when faced with picture proof that his method leaves much to be desired the plantman just keeps on yapping his crap.


I think everyone has a right to speak up as to what works in his own personal saltwater keeping affair... Kip and Bob included. I, in the past, have rec'd advise, or personal opinions, from each of these persons that have helped me to come to my own conclusions and resolve in setbacks in maintaining my reef.
Kip has helped me decide that bleaching my coralline algae to give me constrast in my main display is not a bad thing and Bob has helped me reduce my nitrates by 15ppm by convincing me to grow and maintain macroalgaes in my refugium.
I don't think this thread has any business becoming a Kip instead of Bob debate. Both have demonstrated intelligent input and it should be kept as a personal decision of each to post or not to post.
Thanks to both.

cayman isl

I've followed the battles quite often and since I don't feel I have am knowledgable enough to participate just yet, I just read along. But it seems to me that if one of the major players in the battle against these methods "quits" and more or less "takes his ball and goes home", doesn't that make it seem like the opposition has won the battle?
I'm sure BB is high-fiving himself right now as he has run someone off with his persistence.
What happened to "dilution is the solution to pollution'? Is it better to quit and leave or better to "dilute" BBs methods and find the solution?