Attn: Kip


Active Member
Any minute now Kip is going to show up and tell us all it was a April Fools gag and that he has really been Bob all along logged in under a different user name!
KIP come back so we can RIP!!!:)



Originally posted by skilos1
do you use tap water, plants in the main tank, shop lights, never do water changes, or oyster shells? These are all the same things that bob advocates every day.

It works for him. And then....... ?


Active Member
You know, it is obvious who the more valued of the two members are, I say majority rules and bring Kip home.
Originally posted by New_Noob
COME BACK YOU HELPED ME SO MUCH MAN!!!! What happend to Clint also, i havent seen him around lately

Which Clint????



Originally posted by jwtrojan44
I find it curious that Bob has not replied to this thread, but continues his prophesying in others about his beliefs.

Just because it doesn't, or didn't, work for you, doesn't make it incorrect, or unable to work, for anyone else. 99.9% of us on this board, including you and me, are looking for answers to problems in our tanks that we are having a hard time trying to resolve. Why not allow all the possible alternatives to be addressed.
If you, Skilos, had all the answers, including that everything would will great as long as you do not listen to Bob, then this board would have no reason for existence (only your personal website would be necessary, paid subscription only, of course, I'm sure.
Kip or Bob, what do you think?



I find it curious that Bob has not replied to this thread, but continues his prophesying in others about his beliefs. [/B]
I find it curious the Kip has not replied to this thread, but continues his prophesying in others about his beliefs.



Originally posted by skilos1
kip hasn't posted since the other day and he's been out of town since around lunch time today.

I thought he quit the board (according to this thread?)



Originally posted by skilos1
And where did i say that i had all the answers to every question ever asked? I never said that and you are just making it up.

You have said in a previous quote:
"The answers that I give to questions are proven to work and 99.9% of the people on this board want advice that is proven to work and that's something that bob just cannot give."
This makes me feel you are very confident that your tank is like everyone else's?


Staff member
No one wants Kip to be upset or stay away. He is a valuable member here, extremely helpful, and just a great guy to boot; however, I think enough has been said several times already about bob. We all know that no one accepts or agrees with his methodologies, etc., etc. :rolleyes: I can't say that continuing to mull over it in a long thread is the answer.
Technically, bob has not violated any rules. He has given his opinions which he alone has. I won't detail the value of those opinions as its been said before.
It will be up to the administrators of

bang guy


Originally posted by doris
It works for him. And then....... ?

By his own admission it didn't work for him. His corals & fish die in his tank.
Just my opinion but if it doesn't even work for him I don't think he should be encouraging the newer hobbiests to follow his defective methods.