Of course, being the TANGMASTER I would like to input my 2 cents.
your list of tangs is cool with the large tank. The only things I would suggest is that you
consider the size of certain species. If your powder blue is small, put him in first with the powder brown and achilles. make sure sure these fish are close to equal size. These three tangs are similar in genetics and temperment. Follow them with yellow and scopas!
Try your best not to do 2 of either of these fighters. do odd numbers if you can. the yellows school in the wild and will make a beautiful specticle in your home sysytem if you obtain odd numbers of the same species. quickly follow these introductions with the purple. One purple is all you will need. these fish have much personality. I have even seen a black tang in a store in my hometown but he wasn't for sale.
just remember to add them as close together as you can and in odd numbers and equal sizes and that tank will be GORGEOUS!!! the sailfin, he is a docile fish even as an adult, make sure he is the largest when you introduce him. no other fish will pick on him unless he is smaller, in which case they may kill him.
Goodluck and do pictures!!!!!!