heres what i have for my 100 gallon tank... i got tired of filling it up every day too....
i have a JBJ automatic top off system..... the system cost me like $99 off a website... then i used one of my 5 gallon jugs to place fresh RO/DI water in it as a resevouir.... and i places a small poower head in it that cost me $13 and got some 3/8" tubbing at depot and ran the tubbing from the power head to the tank to fill as needed.... the system comes with 2 floats.... there are several ways to hook the system up.... i just have it fill directly to my tank.... i dont have a sump so thats the only way i can do it.... my resevouir has run dry and the system will shut itself off before the powerhead burns up.... good little thing to have since i woulda lost a powerhead or 2 lol.....
but it works really good i just fill up the resevouir every 4-5 days and it does fine.... this way my salinity stay stable also....
heres a few pics of how i have it set up....
i have the display mounted to the wall above my tank.... a cord going to the powerhead located in the 5 gallon jug to the right of the tank.... then the float with the inlet tubbing inside my tank....
all together cost under $120 and does great took about 20 minutes to install.... im happy with it....