AW2X3 and others... my first moray


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Please Do Not Request Links To Other Forums
is that a new rule?
note. not being sarcastic ive never heard of this rule
I'm curious about some of the SFW terms of service.... no links (even if not to anything remotely competitive), no private messages... I love this site and don't want to stir up trouble, but I can't see the reasoning behind some of the forum protocol. I wanted to send this via PM or Email, but the site and/or your settings won't allow. If you don't mind sharing, I'm Thanks.


Active Member
Links to other forums, which are often sponsored by or have adds for other stores, are not allowed as are links to sites that may be sponsored by stores. Links or discussions of other stores are obviously not allowed. Basically, SWF is a store, and as such have the right to request that their competitors don't get free adverts on their board.
Believe me, even I didn't always agree with this policy. And there are still times it irks me. There is a wink and a nod now and then. A "google such and such" to get to an article. But outright mention or discussion is not allowed.
However, after participating on several boards, I realized that I found SWF to be one of the friendliest boards I found, and believe it or not, one of the least moderated in general. On this one, you can pretty much predict what will be cut out...on others, it often was what a particular moderator didn't like in terms of advice that may be contrary to theirs.
There are several political and religious threads in the Aquarium for example, that wouldn't see light of day on many other big boards.


Active Member
i have that eel to. mine is in my 90, she is awsome, one of my favorites, she always has her head out. she is about a foot and a half maybe a little longer. she will take food right out of my hand, she has never bit me but she has my boyfriend, i cant really reach things in my tank so i had him moveing some things and it bite his finger
good luck with him


Active Member
Definately a Fimbriated Moray...and definately a juvie.
I'd give you the link to my site, since we're not sponsored by anyone and only a predatory fish forum, but we got hacked a few weeks back and we're just now getting the site back up and going.
Another week or so and I'll be more than happy to give you the link...give us a little bit of time to get things worked out and the board back up and going.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
thanks. do you have any info on them or what to feed and how often?
Gymnothorax fimbriatus is one of the most aggressive little Morays you're gonna find. Think something like a Green Moray or Tesselata Moray, in a 30" - 32" max body.
As a juvie, I'd feed 3 - 4 times a week, small portions of fish (grouper, snapper, trigger, etc) and squid/octo. Feed until it refuses food, at each feeding.


Active Member
o and can i keep other fish with him like a fuxxy dwarf or a frogfish? maybe another eel? they had him in a 10 gallon with 2 other eels when i got him.


Active Member
Again, please do not post links to other forums, whether there are sponsors or not. We try to be consistent as best we can on the "no links to other forums." Exchange an email....but please don't post the link.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
o and can i keep other fish with him like a fuxxy dwarf or a frogfish? maybe another eel? they had him in a 10 gallon with 2 other eels when i got him.

Absolutely not, unless you want the fish to be eaten.
And...Ophiura asked that I not post the link, so I wont. It's also against the rules to post email, asking for links, so I wont do that either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Absolutely not, unless you want the fish to be eaten.
And...Ophiura asked that I not post the link, so I wont. It's also against the rules to post email, asking for links, so I wont do that either.
she said it was ok to send me an email. if not what can i google to find it?


Active Member
if i added a fuzzy dwarf lion now thats like 4 inches while the eel is still a small juvi... would he learn to not eat him?
also could he eat him because lionfish are poisiounous?


Active Member
It will not learn to not eat it. It doesnt even have to eat it...they're instinct is to bite and rip away flesh.
And no, a Lion being venomous will not stop it from eating. A guy I know had a 6" - 8" Volitan that was eaten by a 28" - 30" Fimbriated and the Moray was just fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
And...Ophiura asked that I not post the link, so I wont. It's also against the rules to post email, asking for links, so I wont do that either.
I am sure that Dan can use some advice on eels that you could email to him....


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
so pretty much its just 1 eel and nothing else?
Exactly. Well, no fish that you don't consider food, anyway.
You'd probably be able to get away with keeping Damsels with it, to clean up the tank...but, expect to have to replenish them every once in a while.