AW2X3 and others... my first moray


Active Member
yeah i just read that some people have had luck with them with fish and one actually in a reef with shrimp etc. but that was old. A LOT of people posted that they have tore apart there lions and tangs but they say they have triggers and angels with it and no problem. i dont think ill risk it


Active Member
also how will i be able to tell when my eel is begining to change to that white colot with the yellow head? hes around 14 inches


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
yeah i just read that some people have had luck with them with fish and one actually in a reef with shrimp etc. but that was old. A LOT of people posted that they have tore apart there lions and tangs but they say they have triggers and angels with it and no problem. i dont think ill risk it
The people you hear telling this do not have real success stories. They might have the Moray for a few months...maybe a little longer...but it's not a true success.
Someday, they'll end up with a tank full of dead fish and then they'll post a thread called "I wish I would've listened."


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Someday, they'll end up with a tank full of dead fish and then they'll post a thread called "I wish I would've listened."

LOL, rarely do I see the thread where people say "I wish I would have listened." Usually it is "people told me it would be fine" or "it was fine for months" or "my tank just crashed and that is why everything died" or...well, you get the drift. Amen to anyone who actually admits they should have listened!


Originally Posted by AW2x3
"I wish I would've listened."
Amen to that one. With those kind of eels it is not if it will be eaten it is when will he eat it.
I have an Undulated moray and he is by his self. I was thinking about a clown trigger with him but I do not even think that would last.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mistergn10
Amen to that one. With those kind of eels it is not if it will be eaten it is when will he eat it.
I have an Undulated moray and he is by his self. I was thinking about a clown trigger with him but I do not even think that would last.

Originally Posted by ophiura

LOL, rarely do I see the thread where people say "I wish I would have listened." Usually it is "people told me it would be fine" or "it was fine for months" or "my tank just crashed and that is why everything died" or...well, you get the drift. Amen to anyone who actually admits they should have listened!

I wish people would be more honest and post their failures, with this particular species of Moray, but it's not gonna happen.
I still wouldnt house a Fimbriated/Yellowhead with anything...not another fish, not another moray, nothing.


its not just with morays that people dont post their failures its with everything. I think if people starting posting there failures then other people might actually get the messge through their head. It just seems liek if you see pictures or something of the aftermath its going to have more of an affect than someone just saying dont do this or dont do that. I would also agree that you should never buy anything that says assorted like the other member said earlier.


Active Member
aww come on no one ever screws up in this hobby. everything goes perfect and its all someone elses fault when it doesn't........
here are a couple of my favorites
the LFS said it would be ok..... <- ask questions but do your own research
there is nothing wrong with my tank but everything suddenly died.... <- obviously something was wrong.
I'm done cycleing my ammonia is at .5 <-- HUH?
and many more. one of my personal best blunders I scraped some bubble algae off the glass and sent it straight into a powerhead to be pureed and sprayed through my tank..... Nice.


Active Member
and many more. one of my personal best blunders I scraped some bubble algae off the glass and sent it straight into a powerhead to be pureed and sprayed through my tank..... Nice.
oh yeh thats a good one lmao :hilarious


Active Member
well just to bump this...... he is over 1 1/2 feet now.. probably around 1 and 3/4 feet long. he is wider and fatter but he still has mostly the same coloration. When will he change to his white with a yellow head?
pics to come with eating video


Originally Posted by AW2x3
Absolutely not, unless you want the fish to be eaten.
And...Ophiura asked that I not post the link, so I wont. It's also against the rules to post email, asking for links, so I wont do that either.
Wow you can't even post an email address. I'm new here but that is just crazy. It's not like this is 1984 with the thought police running our lives. :notsure: Nice looking eel BTW. I can't wait to get my first one. I'm just making sure i can keep a few small fish alive first.