Originally Posted by Mistergn10
Amen to that one. With those kind of eels it is not if it will be eaten it is when will he eat it.
I have an Undulated moray and he is by his self. I was thinking about a clown trigger with him but I do not even think that would last.
Originally Posted by ophiura
LOL, rarely do I see the thread where people say "I wish I would have listened." Usually it is "people told me it would be fine" or "it was fine for months" or "my tank just crashed and that is why everything died" or...well, you get the drift. Amen to anyone who actually admits they should have listened!
I wish people would be more honest and post their failures, with this particular species of Moray, but it's not gonna happen.
I still wouldnt house a Fimbriated/Yellowhead with anything...not another fish, not another moray, nothing.