Awful glad I found this MB


New Member
I can't tell you how glad I am to have found this board. I have spent several hours on this board and found a multitude of coherent advice. However, I didn't find this board until after the LFS and others advised us to cycle our tanks with 4 or 5 damsels and whatever else we wanted after a week or so (they said that is how long the cycle would take). We ended up with an arrow crab, cleaner shrimp, 2 snails and five damsels. Well, needless to say, in a 55 gallon tank, my 1 ½ week old tank has ammonia levels of 7.0. After learning of the danger of ammonia (once again, from you guys) I tried to get the ammonia levels down by doing a water change (like everyone on the board suggested) but it was too little too late. We only have the arrow crab left after the carnage last night. I hate it that fish had to die because of bad advice.
Now that I have vented, I am waiting for the tank to cycle and reading voraciously to find out what not to do again. I am very discouraged but now I know what went wrong. Just wanted any advice on what I might include in the tank after the cycle is finished and the water quality is exceptional. I am very gun shy about adding any fish now and want just the right kind.


Active Member
Don't be discouraged. A lot of people cycle with damsels. I personally prefer either the raw shrimp method, or using uncured LR.
Where they really steered you wrong was the inverts. They are a lot more sensitive to these levels. If I were you, I would take the arrow crab back to the LFS for credit. He may be the next to go.
At any rate, what fish to add? Depends on what you want to do with the tank. Is it going to be a reef tank? Fish only? You have a lot of options.

nm reef

Active Member
First and foremost....

to our forums!!!
Always glad to have new members aboard. is a recent picture I've found of a true definition of most LFS's...

Sounds like your LFS got you off to a rocky start...but folks here will gladly help you recover. There is a very active and experienced membership here...ask questions and seek help...folks here will be glad to contribute to your success!!!
Just don't let them take credit for your system....:cool:

bang guy

Are you starting a reef tank or fish tank? My suggestion is to find an animal that interests you, search and learn until you believe you understand its temperment and requirements, and then post here for opinions.


Welcome to the board ablincoln01! You always have to take into consideration that advise from lfs doesn't help them pay the bills. They need to sell you something to keep the lights on. Now that the cycle has started, do what you are doing now while things are settling down. Read, ask questions here and read some more.


Active Member
Welcome! Isn't this board the best? I wish I'd found it before I did too, although I didn't get myself in too big of a mess. Another thing I'd recommend is buying a good book. I have and recommend "The Consciencious Marine Aquarist." But, honestly, this site will be the bread and butter of your information. :)


Welcome to the board:D Don't get discourage all of us have had BAD advice from lfs:( But we will get you back on track;)


Welcome! :D
This board is so awesome. I ask a question, & it's answered within like 5 minutes. Eveyrone that I've talked to is really nice & SOOO helpful. I found this site after we started our tanks too. It's a bummer, but mine are doing well, and I hope yours is too. Keep us posted! - Tara:D


New Member
From what I understand from my readings here, I should stick with a FO tank until I have some experience. I do have a tank with Crushed Coral and some really expensive dead coral (that I have also found out is not a good thing to have way too late). I know that I will eventually have to switch to LR and LS in order to "move up" in the sw world and to ease the maintenance that I will have to do with the crushed coral. I have read a few books but find it disheartening because they seem to use as many words as possible to explain a simple concept. Once again, I really do appreciate all of the input you all have offered.
On the tank inhabitants, I would like to stick with a regular fish tank with some creepy invertebrates such as crabs, brittlestars, etc. We aren't real particular about the kind of fish we have, we just want something to help us build our confidence and something fun to watch.


Active Member
Sounds like a good plan. However, I think the best way to start out is to get the LR and LS ASAP (I believe this to be true for everyone, regardless of their experience). Which means you'd be starting with a FOWLR/LS (Fish Only With Live Rock and LIVE Sand) instead of a FO. It will only be more problematic the longer you wait (both the hassles of removing the crushed coral, and also that the crushed coral will end up causing chemical imbalances). Keeping LR and LS requires just about no skill. And it's benefits are a much more natural tank, and natural filtration for your tank. All your animals will be happier if you have at LEAST the LR in your tank, ASAP. However, I can understand if the expense of buying all that rock is too much if you aren't even sure how much you want to dedicate to the hobby. Again, you'll find "The Consciencious Marine Aquarist" to be very readable, and easy to find: you can get it online at Amazon, or you can usually find a copy at Borders.
Don't worry i think that every one knows what its like to get bad advice from there LFS. The key is patience. Reaserch you're fish and make sure that they are all compatable. On avrage it may take you another month to fully cycle you're tank, but its diffrent for everyone. After things settle down clowns are very tough and i would suggest them as a good fish to keep.:D


New Member
So can I go ahead and order the LR while the aquarium is still cycling or will that throw things out of balance and start the cycle all over again?


Another welcome here.. Trust me, listen to the people on this board. These people aren't trying to make a sale and know their stuff. By the way, I have about $200.00 worth of fake coral still in storage from 15 years ago.:D


Yeah, I agree with Krish, you should definately get the LS & LR right away. It will be much harder to change it out after your inhabitants are in there. Believe me (I made that mistake). I know your excited to get some creatures in there, but it will DEFINATELY pay off taking care of that now.:)


Welcome to the board... Sorry you had such a rough start but once you get things up and running the right way you will love it. You came to the right place for advice these guys are the best..:)


Welcome aboard! This board really is great, the more I learn.... the more I learn how much more there is to learn!


I'll join the welcome bandwagon!

(hah! no one thought to put ! marks before the welcome now did they:p )
This board is great, you will learn a lot just by reading past posts and paying attention to the experiences from everyone on this board. With so many people the chances are very high that someone here has 'been there and done that' and should be able to give you good advice!
Welcome again and keep us posted on the status of your tank!!