Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

30-xtra high

Active Member
me and my dad made a stand for his 125(don't know if it'll be fresh or salt) we made our stand way bigger though, enough room in the back for our canister, skimmer, fuge, and anything else we want to put in the back., but your is lookin good., and the month of no fish goes by really fast.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
me and my dad made a stand for his 125(don't know if it'll be fresh or salt) we made our stand way bigger though, enough room in the back for our canister, skimmer, fuge, and anything else we want to put in the back., but your is lookin good., and the month of no fish goes by really fast.
Thanks, my sump (and everything else) will be under the tank, so nothing will be hanging off the back.

30-xtra high

Active Member
good, my friend's 20 gallon hang on fuge fell off his tank and broke in the middle of the night, and his water siphoned all over the ground. his basement had some serious mold problems for awile.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
good, my friend's 20 gallon hang on fuge fell off his tank and broke in the middle of the night, and his water siphoned all over the ground. his basement had some serious mold problems for awile.
:scared: :scared: :scared:


Active Member
I will have more pics for everyone tomorrow.
Hubby was working nights sleeping days, but he's off now until Sunday evening, so I'm hoping the tank will be up and doing a "wet run" on Sunday. The stand probably won't have doors until later as I think my father-in-law will be making those, and he lives in CA (he has more tools to make the doors look nice).
I mixed my first batch of salt water earlier in the week (for my QT) and it turned out to be a bad batch (very cloudy). Dumped it and tried again (different box), this time very clear and pH, salinity, alk, and temp all good and is ready for my first piece of lr, which I'm getting tomorrow. Never thought I'd be thrilled over getting a rock! It won't be fully cured so it will help my QT to cycle. :cheer:


Active Member
OK, here are some more pics but I should have even more tonight, as my hubby is still working on it.
The face of the stand is finally on:

And here is my FIRST piece of live rock. Yes, I'm excited over a rock!
I'm using it to start the cycle in my QT, but will go in my display tank just before the first fish goes in.

Stayed tuned.....I should have more later this evening.


Active Member
you go girl. :cheer: :cheer:
Are you installing power outlets in the stand, or will you need to cut a hole for cords to go thru?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
you go girl. :cheer: :cheer:
Are you installing power outlets in the stand, or will you need to cut a hole for cords to go thru?
THANKS! I'm getting pretty excited! We will have power outlets in the stand, so only one small hole will be in the back.


Active Member
remember to syphon out rock dust from the QT when you take the rock out :)
glad to see you have a QT as well , keep up the good work


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
remember to syphon out rock dust from the QT when you take the rock out :)
glad to see you have a QT as well , keep up the good work
Got it. I've actually already done a little of that, as more stuff came off the rock, and I was worried it would have to much a bio load as it's not fully cured yet, so I took the rock out and gave it a bit more of scrub with a toothbrush and pulled off what I could see rotting. It's looking a lot better and my amonia is starting to go up, but it's not out of control yet (I don't think). I did a test this morning and it was Amonia 0.5 (last night it was .25), Nitrite 0.1, so I was thinking I need to do a water change already. Does that sound right? Didn't test for Nitrate yet, as I know that's supposed to come later, right?


Active Member
if you are trying to cycle, dont water change until everything but nitrates are back to zero. otherwise you are prolonging the cycle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
if you are trying to cycle, dont water change until everything but nitrates are back to zero. otherwise you are prolonging the cycle.
OK, thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Stand looks great. What size QT do you have?
It's a 12 gallon Nano tank (but come to find out it only holds 10 gallons), BUT will be getting a larger one in the future, probably a 20 gallon long. My new fish will be on the small side, so they should be ok in what I have. If I need a QT when they are full grown I won't be able to use this.


Active Member
Hubby is doing a great job on the trim work. Not sure if you can see with these pics, but it's looking good! :cheer:
