Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


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Originally Posted by azfishgal
Ya, it will be interesting to see what it looks like five years down the road. I think the non-uniform look will give it character. I've never been one for a perfect match, so it's all good.

Wow, he's done an awesome job on that stand!! So, when will it all be coming together? Can't wait to watch your progress.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Thanks Lisa, I'm excited too.
And Bill, suspense just doesn't say it. I was hoping to have the tank in the house by tomorrow (Monday). BUT, the first top coat has been put on and it needs to dry (hubby is now at work). So tomorrow he'll sand it and then put the other coat on, then we have to let it dry again. Then he'll steal wool it and THEN it can be brought into the house. OH, the back of the tank still needs to be painted black. So I have to be patient for a little bit longer.

At least I have my QT tank to mess with. Going through it's cycle right now. I'm a little nervous though about hooking everything up. I know the skimmer has this "break in period", and then I need to make sure the pumps are pushing the correct amount of water and....and.....and.... :notsure: You all are going to be so sick of me by the time I get done with this thing. :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
You all are going to be so sick of me by the time I get done with this thing. :hilarious
Not at all. We've all been there. It's always fun to watch a new tank take shape and grow.
Lisa :happyfish


I didn't relize you created one of these. I should have been more careful. anyways Once you get salt and rock and sand in it. YOU WILL BE OBSEESED with testing the salinity. I have sand and rock and water and everything set up and i must test the salinty 20+ times a day l
. can't wait to get the cycle started. Well good luck :jumping: .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
I didn't relize you created one of these. I should have been more careful. anyways Once you get salt and rock and sand in it. YOU WILL BE OBSEESED with testing the salinity. I have sand and rock and water and everything set up and i must test the salinty 20+ times a day l
. can't wait to get the cycle started. Well good luck :jumping: .
Well........I've already set up my QT with a lr to get it started. (Hubby calls it my pet rock). I watch it all the time like something's going to pop out or something! :hilarious And testing......well, it's only been up for 5 days and I think I've tested it 6 times. I love my refractometer!!
YES, I need help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Well........I've already set up my QT with a lr to get it started. (Hubby calls it my pet rock). I watch it all the time like something's going to pop out or something! :hilarious And testing......well, it's only been up for 5 days and I think I've tested it 6 times. I love my refractometer!!
YES, I need help! rock. lol


Active Member
The stand has finally made it in the house!
Still waiting for the paint on the tank to dry and hubby still needs to drill holes in the sump, but both should be done by tomorrow, which means.................TEST RUN!!!!!!
Then I get to stare at it for a few days to make sure everything is working and no leaks, then I get to empty the entire thing out and then add RO/salt water. Then I get to stare at it for another three or four days as I wait for my lr to come in. I won't order it until after my salt water is in the tank, so when it arrives I can put it right in. Then I get to wait for what, 3 to 8 weeks? That should REALLY be fun!
(Before anyone says anything, blinds will cover that one window where sun is coming in, so don't worry, no sun will be on this tank. And the three windows above the tank will be covered.


Lookin good!!!!!!!
At least you have it in the house now. My is still in the garage airing out.
It stinks really bad from the primer that I coated the inside of the stand with.
Got my tank yesterday. :cheer:


Great work on the stand, does your husband have a background in carpentry? Is this your first tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
Lookin good!!!!!!!
At least you have it in the house now. My is still in the garage airing out.
It stinks really bad from the primer that I coated the inside of the stand with.
Got my tank yesterday. :cheer:

Well, I've had my tank for over a month, so you are moving along faster than I did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by blizz75
Great work on the stand, does your husband have a background in carpentry? Is this your first tank?
My husband has worked with his dad, general contractor, and has done some work in the past, so he's pretty handy.
This is my first saltwater tank. I have a very small freshwater, 12 gallons, that I've had for almost three years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Do those windows concern you?
No, as I explained why above.
In the summer time the sun does not make it into that room.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
congratz! :jumping: The stand looks really nice. So how many punds of rock and sand are you going to put in?
Not sure yet on the sand (at least 100 lbs), but will start with 100 lbs of lr and then add more as money allows.