Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


Well, I've had my tank for over a month, so you are moving along faster than I did.
Not really. The stand has been built and sitting in the garage for three months waiting on the temp to raise so it could be stained.



Not really. The stand has been built and sitting in the garage for three months waiting on the temp to raise so it could be stained.

LOL... I'm staining my nano stand in the basement right now. It's WAY too cold outside (10 deg. last time I checked). I'll probably be sleeping on the couch tonight though as my wife is NOT happy with the smell

AZ - The stand looks great in your house! Seems odd calling it a "stand" when it looks much more like a high end cabinet!
Is your husband working on the doors, or are you giving him some time off for good behavior?


I am pretty sure she said her husbands father is making the doors for them. By the way great looking piece of furniture(stand) you got there. Good Luck!


Originally Posted by costa13
I am pretty sure she said her husbands father is making the doors for them. By the way great looking piece of furniture(stand) you got there. Good Luck!
Yeah, now I remember reading that


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
Yeah, now I remember reading that

That's ok.
And you are right, it's more like a piece of furniture, not a stand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
looks great so far AZ..looks like a nice house too!

Thanks! I like my house, but it's starting to feel small as my kids get older. BUT, after putting up this tank, I'm not going to want to move.


Active Member
haha, thats right, stay put as much as you can unless youre upgrading...i've moved a 75 fresh once, 20 saltwater once, and then my what a PAIN! cant wait to see updates on the project! ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
Come on AZ we need to see more!
I'm going crazy just as much as all of you!

OK, tank finally made it into the house. We are doing the test run now with tap water and found a leak in the return pump hose, but hubby is fixing it. Also the waterfall is VERY loud, so he's getting parts to make a standpipe for it. But, the drain and return seem to be of equal pressure as the sump stays at the same level. At least I think that's what it tells me. So here you go, one more picture. I will be ordering the lr and ls on Monday or Tuesday.



Active Member
Very fun...I agree, can't wait to see what's going on next...and you thought we'd get tired of you...
silly girl!!
Keep posting your progress. I love these diary threads. It's amazing how much you can learn from them!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Things are looking good!
Here are some more pics. I think my hubby has done a great job putting this tank together, especially since it was his first time. He's now saying, "OK, my work is done." Now it's up to me to get this puppy started.
I may have added the fish to soon, but I just couldn't resist! :hilarious

Also, my QT tank is almost done with it's cycle, so I may be getting our first fish in just a week or so.


Active Member
Originally Posted by whackamole
nice....that is photoshopped in there right???!!! anyway.... r u using a black backround
Photoshopped? No, nothing is photoshopped. Are you talking about the fish. LOL! Well, they are taped on. I printed out the fish I want to give my daughters (8 and 4 years old) something to look at, since it's going to be a while until we have fish. And yes, The back of the tank is painted black. When I get lights you'll actually be able to see it.


Active Member
i dont think you have enough fish in there.. maybe get a few more. like 3 or 6 more?
lol loks like yu did quite the cutting job lol
what about a rock scape?
looks good. cnt wait to see some more


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
what about a rock scape?
How silly of me, how could I forget. Poor fish have nothing to hide in. :happyfish