Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
base rock can be inter stacked with live rock. bigger savings.
Well, the base rock at my lfs is dry, not in water, so don't think it will be inter stacked with lr. Is that still ok? It's only $1.99/lb so that's what I wanted on the bottom of my tank. I was planning on giving it a good saltwater rinse before adding, just to get any lose stuff off. What do you think?
Emptied the tank of tap water last night and I'm starting to add my premixed salt water (22 gallons of it that is) today. I was thinking of just going ahead and filling my tank just below the overflow line and mix the rest of the water in my tank with my power heads(because adding 22 gallons at a time is going to take forever). Is this ok, or should I just add 22 gallons of premixed salt water at a time and try and be a little more patient?

Few more questions before I get started:
How long do I need to allow the water to age before adding the lr and ls?
I have the ASM G2 Protein Skimmer/In Sump. It didn't really come with any instruction, just that I need to have that tube with the foam around it to a certain level when I start it. I'm assuming all I have to do is fill up my sump and then when I turn the return pump on I turn on the pump to the skimmer. Then it should work, right? Do I put that side tube back down after it gets started? And I remember reading somewhere there is a break in period. How long does that last?
Last question: How long can I wait, after a tank finishes it's cycle, to add fish? Is there a time limit, meaning if I wait to long I will have to start the cycle all over?
I think that's it for now. I'm getting excited!!!!1
So glad I have all of you to help me though.


Active Member
that fine. you have nothing in there. i mixed mine in tank.
base rock, just srub in saltwater and throw in. (gently) :hilarious
you can add the dry rock any time. it will not mess with your levels. you can let it sit clean and dry, add live rock, then piece of dry, then live. what ever way you want it. If it has a nice shape, and you want it to show, stick it in the front. it will all become live in a few months.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
just srub in saltwater and throw in. (gently) :hilarious

Thanks Teresa, you have been a huge help. I'm going to start filling up my tank now!


Looks awsome. Excellent work on the stand. Looking to get a 75G tanks and plan to build my own stand. I can only hope it looks half as good as your set up does.
Keep the photos coming.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. I'm having fun, but boy, mixing salt water for a 125 gallon tank is a lot of work.
Placing my order for 100 lbs of live rock and 20 lbs of live sand (adding 80 lbs of dry sand) tomorrow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
just put the water in your DT and mix the salt water in there.
Well....I started to do that. But now I'm getting a bit nervous. My water is still cloudy and there is still a film on top (even though I pointed the powerheads to the surface). I already have about 100 gallons of water in there. I mixed the water as I was able to get it from my Water and Ice store. Would mix it, then when I got 20 gallons more, would dump it into tank and then add more salt. I repeated this process. The first two times the salt dissolved fine and my water become clear rather quickly. This last time though it is not clearing up (it's been 24 hours since I added the last bit of salt). I'm using salt from the same bucket. Is there a product I can get to clear it up. This happened with my QT (stayed cloudy even after 5 days) and I had to dump it and start over, with the second time around not having problems. I'm now starting to be sorry I mixed it in my tank, because if a batch came out bad in my trash can I'd only be dumping 20 gallons instead of 100. Any ideas?

Edit: Oh, and I've ordered 100 lbs of lr and ls, so it's on it's way and I need to stick it in my DT as soon as it gets here (after rinsing in salt water of course - the rock that is). :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
do you have any filtration running or just the powerhead?
Just the power heads at this point (both 850 gph), as the water is not high enough to be running over the overflow box. I wasn't planning on getting it that high until after I put my lr in, because the water will be displaced and I'll just have to take it back out again. When this happened with my QT I stuck my entire filter media (including carbon) in to see if it would clear it up and it didn't, so I dumped the tank. When it happened with my QT though, it was from a different box (same brand: Tropic Marin). I tossed that box out and used the salt from my 150 gallon box. After I mixed two batches in my tank with no problem I figured I was in the clear. Guess not. :notsure:


Active Member
Here's another thing: I did mix another batch of 20 gallons of saltwater in my trash can yesterday after noon and last night it was still a bit cloudy with a film on the bottom of the can. But as of this morning it's clear.
So what's up with my tank! Why would it be clear the first two times I mixed water, but then this third time it become cloudy. I used all the same stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
dont worry so much. It will be fine. just run your powerheads. breath.

I know, I know.....I'm trying. I'm just a perfectionist!


Active Member
Originally Posted by theappe
nice tank! cant wait to see more pics!
Thanks! I LOVE your avatar pic. What kind of fish is that?!


Active Member
I mixed all, or at most of my salt directly in the tank. Lots of circulation help mix it quickly. I got a film on the top of the water that was quickly skimmed off.
I waited 1 day before I added my live rock to the new water and added the live sand shortly afterwards. Is your skimmer set up and ready to go?


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I mixed all, or at most of my salt directly in the tank. Lots of circulation help mix it quickly. I got a film on the top of the water that was quickly skimmed off.
I waited 1 day before I added my live rock to the new water and added the live sand shortly afterwards. Is your skimmer set up and ready to go?
Yes, my skimmer is in position.
I've decided NOT to panic
, that once my skimmer is on it will take care of everything. Going now to pick up my base rock and dry sand (80lbs). Will rinse the base rock and sand in salt water and then stick inside my tank. SWF is shipping 100 lbs of lr and 20 lbs of ls to me, so I'll add that when it arrives and then start everything up. Or I could fill up my tank the rest of the way when I put the base rock and dry sand in and start everything up. When lr and ls arrives I'll just turn everything off and take out water as needed. Does that sound like a good plan? :notsure:


Active Member
Dang it! Azfishgal am I gunna have to take a trip up there from Tucson and take pictures for you? Where are the pics?
It's not like there is no time in between adding this and that to take pics. This kind of diary needs pics and lot of em!!


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Photoshopped? No, nothing is photoshopped. Are you talking about the fish. LOL! Well, they are taped on. I printed out the fish I want to give my daughters (8 and 4 years old) something to look at, since it's going to be a while until we have fish. And yes, The back of the tank is painted black. When I get lights you'll actually be able to see it.

Well, at least there's one other person who's done something like that. My wife has a marine fish mobile so while our tank sat empty in our living room, I hung it from the center brace.