Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


Active Member
Originally Posted by f14peter
Well, at least there's one other person who's done something like that. My wife has a marine fish mobile so while our tank sat empty in our living room, I hung it from the center brace.


*Sarcasm* Thanks for the Pics we've been askign for*Sarcasm end*.
Will i have to fly cross country to take the pics for you?


Originally Posted by HatesSushi
Dang it! Azfishgal am I gunna have to take a trip up there from Tucson and take pictures for you? Where are the pics?
It's not like there is no time in between adding this and that to take pics. This kind of diary needs pics and lot of em!!

Oh well i guess someone beat me to that joke.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
Dang it! Azfishgal am I gunna have to take a trip up there from Tucson and take pictures for you? Where are the pics?
It's not like there is no time in between adding this and that to take pics. This kind of diary needs pics and lot of em!!

These are for you HatesSushi!
Tank filling with saltwater and with lonely live rock that was in my QT.

80 lbs of dry sand and base rock to go into tank later today (if I get to it). I have 100 lbs of lr and 20 lbs of ls coming from SWF.

First fish are drip acclimating to QT.

Marlin and Nemo, named by my 8 year old daughter. (false percs)

Not sure if you can tell by the lights in my tank, but it is starting to clear.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
looking good. lets get that sand rinsed and base rock in that tank.

Base rock is in the tank but I need to take some pictures off my memory card. It's full! So you will just have to wait!


Active Member
Ok, got some more for you (Teresa).
Marlin and Nemo are getting cozy in their temporary home. Yes, that is a fake anemones, couldn't put them in there with completely bare tank. I'm going to Lowe's and picking up some larger PVC pipe.

Base rock is in, but this is not the final resting place, will move around some more when I get my live rock to see how I really want it.

Got some intersting pieces though. The piece on the far left (lr behind it) is long with a natural arch, very cool.

Can't really see the details of these rocks, but they have some great shape.

If you notice my tank is full!
Will be mixing more saltwater tonight and then filling up my sump tomorrow and I should be able to turn the entire system on and skim out all the junk that's now collecting.
I can't believe it, it's finally coming together!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
What kind of lights do you have?
Two 36" Aqualight T-5 Series Double lamp with 10,000K Daylight & True Actinic 03 Blue. I plan to add two 150 or 175w MH retrofit kit. Haven't decided though as we are trying to figure out what would go best in our tall canopy that hubby is building. I also want to add some lunar lights.


that is the most awesom-est tank i ever seen...the stand is great the sump is huge and spectacular....i would love to have a sump like that...hell even a set up like that


Active Member
Looking good.

thats a 6 ft tank right? mh only covers 2 ft, so you will need 3 mh if thats the lights you want. How deep is your tank? I would go 175 to 250s.
Though I really like my t5s i switched to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
that is the most awesom-est tank i ever seen...the stand is great the sump is huge and spectacular....i would love to have a sump like that...hell even a set up like that
Oh shucks, I'm blushing.
I'm not going to lie, I piad a pretty penny for that sump, so hope it works.
My husband is pretty great for allowing me to spend this much money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Looking good.

thats a 6 ft tank right? mh only covers 2 ft, so you will need 3 mh if thats the lights you want. How deep is your tank? I would go 175 to 250s.
Though I really like my t5s i switched to.
I was wondering about that, thanks for the tip. I for one wouldn't mind going with all T5s, but my husband likes the shimmer the MH puts off, plus I would like to have some clams. I told him though to be prepared to buy a chiller later on if the water gets to hot, that's my biggest concern with MH. The canopy won't have a top (roof) and will have vents in the back, and we'll put fans in so hopefully that will help without the need for a chiller.......I hope. My tank is 6' long, 22 deep, and 18 wide.


lookin reeeeeealllllly awesome - azfishgal!!!!!
my compliments to everything you & your husband have done so far...


Active Member
Put in about 60 lbs of sand in, will add more later after it clears and I can see what I'm doing.

Here is the sump running. My skimmer is now on and seems to be working. Was wondering two things, should I have a higher water level in my sump and now that the skimmer has started do I push that pole down (the one in the sponge outside the skimmer)? Never ran one of these things before so not sure if I'm doing it right.

SWF has not shipped my 20 lbs of live sand and 100 lbs of lr, so still waiting for that.


Active Member
if that is 60 lbs, and you are getting another 20 already, i would get another 40 lbs aragonite to double up that sand bed. JMO
is that sump noisy? i would raise the level, as long as the skimmer can be submerged.


Active Member
You got your first fish! You must be psyched :joy: . Tank looks awsome too. Is that a mated pair of clowns or no? Also what size QT is that?