Originally Posted by saltn00b
if you are getting LR shipped , yes there will be die off. but die off can be either soft gooey dead sponge and etc that you can and should wipe off / rinse in a dipping bucket of saltwater OR it can be microscopic algae die off. you will likely have both. assuming you are getting the LR shipped correctly with moist paper towels to keep them 'live' - you need to get them in water soon to keep it alive. i think its easier to aquascape while in water, and you will likely re-do your rock work numerous times anyway. i would say, lay your rock out, find the big pieces and then drop them in as the base rock as you want, then put the sand in, and everything else can be changed later.
I was thinking of getting base rock from my lfs (dried out rock). They have a good selection and several large pieces with some great shapes (bowl like) to make for a foundation for my lr. I was thinking this would be good so the sand would not cover as much of my lr, which of course would cause more die off, from what I understand. It would also be less expesive for me to have base rock as my foundation. What do you think?
Also, I was going to get 80lbs of dry sand and 20 lbs of ls (from SWF). Would that be good? My local fish store sells a 40 lbs bag of dry sand (CaribSea Aragonite) for $44.