Azfishgal New Tank Diary!



i think as long as you keep the MH off the water 8-10 inches with a couple of fans strategically placed then all your heat should be disapated before it hits the tank...i am trying to build a flip top canopy so my lights will hang about 10 inches off the top with glass tops and will be putting a uv shield in also so i hope i wont need a much water goes in your sump??


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
if that is 60 lbs, and you are getting another 20 already, i would get another 40 lbs aragonite to double up that sand bed. JMO
is that sump noisy? i would raise the level, as long as the skimmer can be submerged.
I have another 20 lbs of dry sand that still needs to be added, before my 20 lbs of live sand goes in, I still need 20 lbs more? I was trying to stay away from a deep sand bed, but I know there is like a danger zone or something like that when you get between 2" - 4". I just don't want to run into any problems with my sand bed. So please let me know if I need to add more than what I was planning. I do want Jawfish, so will I need more than a 4" sandbase?
Also, yes, the sump and pump are noisy. I have no doors to my stand and no canopy. BUT, when both are put in I'm sure the noise level will drop. But, if adding more water to the sump will cut down on the noise and it wont hurt anything, then yes, I'll do that. Thanks!


Good looking setup.. I have MH running without a chiller.. I have a fan blowing across the top of the water... and the halides mounted about 11 inches from surface.. My temp stays at 80 to 81 degrees all the time... with a well positioned fan, you should be ok.... I like the shimmer of the halides too....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
You got your first fish! You must be psyched :joy: . Tank looks awsome too. Is that a mated pair of clowns or no? Also what size QT is that?
YES! I've very psyched! :jumping: And no, they are not a mated pair. I was going to buy a pair, but no one here in town had one and I just couldn't wait.
If they pair up great, but if not no big deal. I was just thrilled they were still alive when I woke up this morning.
Of course when I put them in that large 125 gallon tank they are going to look so small. The QT is 10 gallons, was told 12, but after adding water, it's only 10.


Active Member
Originally Posted by craig7220
Good looking setup.. I have MH running without a chiller.. I have a fan blowing across the top of the water... and the halides mounted about 11 inches from surface.. My temp stays at 80 to 81 degrees all the time... with a well positioned fan, you should be ok.... I like the shimmer of the halides too....
Thanks, I think we will go with the MH, because of that wonderful shimmer look. I see you are from Albuquerque. We lived there for 7 years, my oldest daugther was born there. We used to have a house in Taylor Ranch. I miss the climate there, A LOT!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
how much water goes in your sump??
I have no idea.
It's 30" long, 16" tall, and 15" wide. I think it holds 30 gallons. I know there is some formula to figure it out, but I'm not a math wiz.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
I have no idea.
It's 30" long, 16" tall, and 15" wide. I think it holds 30 gallons. I know there is some formula to figure it out, but I'm not a math wiz.

Your Total Sump Volume is 31+ Gallons, but you are only using about 10-12 gallons of it.
Your tank is looking good. :cheer: Where did you get your sump setup? I like it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishRule
Your Total Sump Volume is 31+ Gallons, but you are only using about 10-12 gallons of it.
Your tank is looking good. :cheer: Where did you get your sump setup? I like it.
I bought both my tank and the sump from Aquarium Arts here in Gilbert, AZ. The tank was $500 and the sump was $300. I know......a lot, but we didn't want to take the chance of screwing up the sump since this is our first time around with saltwater. The store uses this same sump (only larger) for there 300 gallon tank, it's a beauty! I did however, buy the skimmer and the return pump from here. It was the same the lfs recomended but a lot cheaper here, so I have saved money buy shopping elsewhere.


Active Member
Dust has started to settle. But will stir it back up again tomorrow when I add the rest of the dry sand. Then it's wait time for the lr and ls to come.

This is probably my favorite rock set up so far. If you look closely on the left side of this "bridge" there is a perfect place for some coral to sit and be secure. The rock actually has a little seat.

This side actually has more character to it, but the other side will allow me to put coral and stack more rock on the one side with a better foundation.

This rock has a nice little ledge and hang over that fish can swim under. I have my one lonely live rock (though I still have yet to see anything crawl out of it
) sitting on top and there is actually a little cave between these two rocks.

This is that same rock (or rocks) from the other side.


It's starting to look good. I can't wait to see the rest of the LR. I like the skimmer. I'm thinking about getting a euro style for my 55gal. How long till you get the doors and canopy?


im so confused....i am excited, envious, and jealous all at the same time....the building and beginning process is the most fun to me


Your tank looks like it is coming along great. Keep up the great pics and stop stressing and like someone else said breath, but this is exciting


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
no fishy...?
You can see pics of my clowns on page 3. Will take more later. Right now I'm trying to get them to eat. Got them on Thursday and they have yet to eat. Tried Formula One, Myssis shrimp, Omego One and now I've tried to soak the food in garlic, still not working.
I just called the lfs to ask what they were feeding and they said Prime Reef. Unfortunatley I won't be able to get to the store until tomorrow. Kicking myself for not asking that question when I bought them.
They were not looking good this morning, so I'm a bit nervous I might lose my first saltwater fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
How long till you get the doors and canopy?

That is the million dollar question.


Active Member
OK, the boys (Marlin and Nemo) seem to be doing better. They nibbled on a little Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp (I know not the most nutritios, but hey, at least they were eating) and they did eat some OraGlo. They didn't eat a lot, but at least I saw some go in their mouth and didn't come back out again.
I'm hoping they make it. Here are a few pics (sorry for the dirty class).

I put the rest of my sand in my tank (total of 80 lbs). So now I'm just waiting for my 100 lbs of lr and 20 lbs of ls. SWF still has not shipped it yet.