Azfishgal New Tank Diary!


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
My LFS said I could add macro at the same time as the live rock. They could have just been making a sale though. Either way, it is still doing fine and growing. I used caulpera in the refugium chamber to start, and recently added some cheato. Macroalgea is about the only thing that's CHEAP in this hobby

I was thinking of getting the Chaeto, I've been told it does well, even in low light. It floats though, right? Was wondering if it was going to float up and over the wall into my skimmer chamber. The water goes over teeth and I was wondering if it would clog it up. What does caulpera look like?
Edit: OMG, you just changed your avatar, freaked me out for a minute. I thought I was going crazy, but realized it was still you.


LOL... Yeah, too many "youngin's" here don't seem to recognize the beloved "Jaws" character from the James Bond movies in the 70's.
Yeah, my cheato floats. I don't have teeth on my baffle, but I did add some egg crate on top of it to keep it from floating over to the next chamber. So far, so good. My caulpera looks kinda like a garden weed... I'm sure if you Google it you'll get more pics than you care to look at

Fa fa fa FIVE pages now???


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Quick Question: My lonely live rock that's in there is really starting to turn brown. I did notice some on my base rock and even some pink color. But the live rock is REALLY turning ugly. I'm assuming this is diatoms? But would this start this early, or only because I used this live rock to cycle my QT. Will it still be a problem to add my lr rock that's being shipped to my DT. I'm thinking it will still be ok since nothing living is in my tank, accept a million isopods
. I was just surprised to see the diatoms so soon, with no amonia spike or anything like that (checked for it this morning and it's at 0).
Also, when do I add my macroalgea to my sump?
Check your phosphates, another help in controling this would be to keep your lights off while tank in cycling. Go ahead and add your microalgea right away. It will help in the tank cycling.
Here are a couple of pictures from some of my sumps.

This is the refugium section of my new tank, both types in this one. Cheato is best kept free floating, but if there is a problem of getting caught in the teeth of the overflow, you could put it under a couple of rocks, just make sure that you turn it once in a while to prevent browning.


Active Member
Thanks so much for those pics goodwin. Is one of those macroalgeas better, or does it matter. It looks like that other, the caulpera, is planted?
(I can't believe it, FIVE pages! :cheer: )


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
LOL... Yeah, too many "youngin's" here don't seem to recognize the beloved "Jaws" character from the James Bond movies in the 70's.
I know what you mean. I started to feel old when I realized most of the NFL players were younger than me. When did that happen!!! :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Thanks so much for those pics goodwin. Is one of those macroalgeas better, or does it matter. It looks like that other, the caulpera, is planted?
(I can't believe it, FIVE pages! :cheer: )
They both grow like weeds. I have noticed that the cheato doesn't grow as fast if it isn't moving around in the water. The caulpera does great. I leave the lights on my refugiums 24/7.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
They both grow like weeds. I have noticed that the cheato doesn't grow as fast if it isn't moving around in the water. The caulpera does great. I leave the lights on my refugiums 24/7.
So what do you do with them when they grow to much? Trim them and toss the extra?
Edit: So where is your full tank shot on your diary! People are waiting.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
So what do you do with them when they grow to much? Trim them and toss the extra?
Edit: So where is your full tank shot on your diary! People are waiting.....
Cut & toss or give away. Got a few fish this this morning that are in the bags temp acclimating as I write. Will try and get a few pictures this evening.


azfishgirl: I have a few questions for you.
1) What size locline are you using and how much you have of it on each side.
2) Where did you get your sump/fuge?
3) What pump and gph is it rated at?


Active Member
Originally Posted by theappe
azfishgirl: I have a few questions for you.
1) What size locline are you using and how much you have of it on each side.
2) Where did you get your sump/fuge?
3) What pump and gph is it rated at?

OK, that's wierd, for some reason when i hit the reply botton your first question (how many gallons?) went away. :notsure:
1) It's 125 gallons
2) Not sure what you mean by locline (still learning this stuff). My husband did the plumbing.
3) Got my sump from lfs as well as my reef ready tank
4) The pump is a Little Giant Quarium #4 (875 gph), and my powerheads are both 850 gph.
5) I know you didn't ask for it, but my skimmer is an ASM G2.
edit: OK, that's weird, did you delete the gallon question, or am I just going crazy? :hilarious


I would say adding chaeto. I have heard good thigns about it and also people say that it doesn't go "sexual" and kill everythign in your tank liek calerpa does. Just what I have heard.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
I would say adding chaeto. I have heard good thigns about it and also people say that it doesn't go "sexual" and kill everythign in your tank liek calerpa does. Just what I have heard.
That's right! I did hear something like that. Still don't understand how calerpa would kill everything though. :notsure:


Active Member
culpera has those grapes and they pop sending spores ALL OVER the tank...ask fishgeek01 about it, he had it happen to him i believe


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
culpera has those grapes and they pop sending spores ALL OVER the tank...ask fishgeek01 about it, he had it happen to him i believe
Then I think I will stick with the cheato.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
That's right! I did hear something like that. Still don't understand how calerpa would kill everything though. :notsure:
I have it in 8 tanks and have never had any problems. I was told that if the lights are running 24/7 it will never to asexual. It also depends upon total system volume and amount of calupera you are keeping. If you have any concerns, there are a lot of other choices out there to use insteasd of calupera and then you shouldn't have any worries.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
OK, that's wierd, for some reason when i hit the reply botton your first question (how many gallons?) went away. :notsure:
1) It's 125 gallons
2) Not sure what you mean by locline (still learning this stuff). My husband did the plumbing.
3) Got my sump from lfs as well as my reef ready tank
4) The pump is a Little Giant Quarium #4 (875 gph), and my powerheads are both 850 gph.
5) I know you didn't ask for it, but my skimmer is an ASM G2.
edit: OK, that's weird, did you delete the gallon question, or am I just going crazy? :hilarious

I edited the post cause I had gotten the gallons from your original posts!
Locline is the squirty things on the return on your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by theappe
I edited the post cause I had gotten the gallons from your original posts!
Locline is the squirty things on the return on your tank.
OK, that's what I was thinking it was, but wasn't sure. They are 1/2" I think. I want to get a different end peace for a wider flow, instead of it being a strong streamline.


Azfishgal, I'm looking into getting a box of live rock from this website as well. When you get them in could you post a few pics of them in the condition they arrived to you in? (confusing sentance) Thanks! ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
I'm just jealous because your husband is working outside, wearing SHORTS! :mad: It's like 10 deg here in Michigan and we have 6" of snow on the ground.
I had to buy a heater for my garage just so I could get my canopy built!
ive been wearing shorts all winter and its been in the negatives and we've got 4 times the snow