b-ionic melting xenia?



xenia has always thrived in my 30 gal. i had one piece of xenia melt about 10 days ago when i did a small water change, dosed b-ionic and added iodine all in the same day. i thought i had just done too many things to the tank in the same day. i dosed b-ionic very lightly last night and this morning another piece has melted. i have always dripped kalk on this tank and these are really the first 2 times ive used the b-ionic on this tank. anyone have any idea why this could be happening?


It's so frustrating when things like that happen and you are not sure why. I have a 125 with xenia and I have always used B-ionic. My xenia had been doing great until recently and I do not know why. My salinity dropped so I am slowly trying to get it back up. Is there a reason you are changing your method? I would make sure that when you add your B-ionic to the tank the xenia don't get a blast at a higher dose. I add mine to my sump and I make sure that I wait a short while between part 1 and part 2. Another problem I had with my xenia were the mushrooms that decided to declare war. Both suffered but I am so amazed that if there is a little tissue left, they will come back. Consider other changes you may have made and check all of your perimeters. I have found xenia to be my signal that something is not right in my tank.

bang guy

My first thought is an Iodine overdose. This is why;
Iodine was added during your water change
Iodine was added from the B-Ionic
and then you added another dose of Iodine.
That's three doses at least plus what was already in the water.
However, You should list your Ca, ALK, Salinity, temp and PH levels.


thanks guys. you might have a point there too bang guy. all my parameters are stable. 30 gal tank, calc-450,alk-12 dkh,ph 8.15-8.25, sg 1.024 and temp 77-80. i will do a test on the iodine level. the salifert test is so complicated that i really dont even trust my test results. i only added about 10 drops of each b-ionic liquid to the tank this last time. i'd be really surprised if that small ammount of b-ionic could do any damage. ive always used it on my 90 gal and never had a problem. the only other change i can see is that my nitrates are almost undetectable now, where as they always used to stay between 5-10 ppm. could the lack of nutrient in the tank be hurting them?


Active Member
We had a string of xenia meltdowns in my area last year. All different tanks with no connection between them. Xenias just started melting until nothing was left. Never did find the reason but others stated they'd seen the same thing. Just happens from time to time with xenias.
Hope yours recover.
Good Luck!

bang guy


Originally posted by alti
the only other change i can see is that my nitrates are almost undetectable now, where as they always used to stay between 5-10 ppm. could the lack of nutrient in the tank be hurting them?

I don't think so but I suppose it's possible. I know my Nitrates are below the detection range of my kit (<2) and my Xenia is almost out of control.
I do know of several really nice reef setups that are thriving except Xenia just will not grow in them.
Is there a leather up-current from the Xenia?


no leathers in the tank. only strange coral activity was my gorg shedding its skin. some of the xenia is getting close to other corals, but the only ones that died were isolated from any other coral. all my other corals are thriving, so i really dont think its such a big problem. there was way too much xenia anyway. i just have to worry any time something in the tank dies. thanks for the replies.