Baby Anemone??


My tank is about 6 months old, doing very well. Several months back I added a small cluster of polyps attached to a rock. Didn't have great lighting. The polyps have been doing fine. Well a few weeks ago I was taking a close look at them and noticed something different -- best described an a teeny,tiny anemone. Sometimes the polyps are open enough that its covered and you can't see it, but other times it is there. The tentacles are probably 1/4 inch at best, and they wave around like an anemone. I know nothing about anemones. Could this be what it is? Is this common to have a baby hitchhiker like this? I've recently upgraded by lighting to PC's (not because of this guy), so I assume this will help him if that's what he is. Any thoughts?


I don't think it looks like the pics of the Aiptasia that I found. Its tentacles look more blunt/founded and I think they are pale green tipped. I can't see the base well because the polyps are blocking my view. I also tried touching it and it didn't seem to retract like an Aiptasia is described as doing.


Yea I think that might be it? Sounds like I need to get it out? What do you recommend? Peppermint shrimp? Joes Juice?