Baby Anemones


Do I need to be feedind this guy, he is about the size of a nickle. A friend gave him to me and i am really not sure what kind it is. I guess it had green tenticles and kinda blackish green body.


A side note. I have 2 False Percula Clownfish 1 wild 1 tank raised. The Anemone is little and the clown fish do not seem to know he exists. I would like to move him, but I dont want to kill it in the process. He is attched pretty good. So the feeding. Also what do I feed the Anemone?

bang guy

Is it a Mojano Anemone?
I would suggest Mysis Shrimp or minced Scallops for such a small Anemone.


I thinks its Majano if so I for sure need to move him. He is near 2 of my favorite corals. reading on him, some say he will sting, over-reproduce, ect. To move him should I try the Ice cube? Im keeping him so no juice treatment for him. No one liked my sandsifting starfish and I like that guy.


There is nothing wrong with keeping it, a lot of people like them. I think they're pretty cute too. If you can get to the edge of it's foot try to peel it up with your fingernail, works for me. Taking it out of the water makes it easier, then you can use the ice cube tecnique, I've tried but don't think it really does much. If it's attached in a hole or deep crevice, use bone cutters to snip some rock away so you can get at the foot.
good luck!