baby astreas!!


Active Member
I've been noticing, especially in my skimmer, what has been looking like "slug-like" creatures. Tonight I took my skimmer cup off to clean it, and as it turns out there was one of these things right on the base of the cup. Closer inspection shows it to be a really tiny astrea snail. I put him in the tank...wish him luck...I hope he makes its. Now I'm wondering if I can save any more of these little guys...geez, another thing to do...I'm happy.
Anyone else have these???
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I've noticed some in my main tank too... :hilarious
I hope they keep multiplying...but not TOO much

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I found a couple more in my skimmer again today. :cheer: I took some pics of them, but, well, they're not very good. I'll post them of the babies is on the tubing, another just a little lower, in front of the sponge..let me know what you think...
Lisa :happyfish


bang guy

It would be unusual for Astrea to multiply in a captive environment without special equipment. They have a very long feeding planktonic stage that isn't compatible with filters and skimmers and such.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I've noticed some in my main tank too... :hilarious
I hope they keep multiplying...but not TOO much

Lisa :happyfish
Good Luck with'em!!! I have a ton of baby nassarius and cerith snails. Stomatellas as well.... :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
It would be unusual for Astrea to multiply in a captive environment without special equipment. They have a very long feeding planktonic stage that isn't compatible with filters and skimmers and such.
So what do you suppose these are?? They definitely have a hard shell, and I was thinking they were astreas because of their cone shape...oh, oh...

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
So....are these snails going to give me a problem?? I honestly have been thinking that they were little astreas...crap, I wish I could get a better picture of them, but they're in the back of my tank. Not very good camera access there.
Lisa :happyfish


I got some cheato about 5 months ago and got the same snails. I don't think there baby nas or astrea snails i'm going go look back and find out what they really are. It seems there night critters cause in the morning i see 50 and they all run and hide in the cheato and rockwoork as soon as my lights come on.


Active Member
hmmm...I have a clump of chaeto in my tank too. Are you saying there's a connection there?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I have them too. they are white, cone shapped hard shell, and really attached to glass. you can not scrap them off with a finger with out fearing on hurting them.


Active Member
Theresa, no that's not them. They are very tiny snails, in a cone shaped shell. I tried getting some better pics, I even took one out of the tank and placed it in a container that might be more pic-friendly, but the pics from the tank are definitely the best I can get. They're only about 1/4 to 1 /2 inch in diameter....very tiny.
Hmmmm, now I'm really intrigued...does this kinda stuff ever stop in sw tanks??? Mine's over a year old, and I'm still finding new things all the time!!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Salty Cheese
Looks like mini keyhole limpets to me.
That one isn't a keyhole limpet! I have that same snail in my tanks as well. I took a closer look at the picture. I've seen it before, can't remember the name of it....I also have a ton of keyhole limpets as well!!! :happyfish

bang guy

Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I have them too. they are white, cone shapped hard shell, and really attached to glass. you can not scrap them off with a finger with out fearing on hurting them.
Sounds like a Limpet.

salty cheese

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
That one isn't a keyhole limpet!
Apparently I spent a little too much time in the sun yesterday
What I really meant was a mini limpet.