Baby Banggais & their needs

barry cuda

A local aquarist has some baby Banggais (about a month old) that he's trying to adopt out to make room in the rearing tank for the next batch. My wife and I have planned to add a pair of Banggais as the first fish in our now-cycling 100g anyway, and have a couple of people volunteering to hold a pair of these little ones until we are ready to take them.
What I understand from the gentleman who is breeding them is that they need a small, predator-free tank right now and to be fed newly-hatched brine shrimp daily. I'm wondering how old they need to be before they could be safely housed in our 100g display. They'll spend at least 3 weeks in our QT anyway after we get them, and the QT won't be ready for at least another 3 weeks yet anyway depending on how fast it cycles. So we're looking at fish that will be almost 2 months old in the fairly small QT, then 2-1/2 to 3 months old before we could possibly put them in the display. What kind of conditions and care would they need at that stage? We're just wanting to make sure it's feasible for us to take them before we commit.

bang guy

At one month they need to be weaned onto frozen food ASAP. Cyclop-eeze, Prawn Eggs, or Minced scallops have all worked for me in the past. Baby Brine Shrimp are lacking nutritionally and lead to "Sudden Death Syndrome" where the fry go into a stunned frozen state with anything that gives them a fright.
The best way to wean them is to introduce both foods, live & frozen, for a few days and then go cold turkey and only offer the frozen food. The sooner the better IMO.
At 2 months they will be easy to care for. At 3 months they should be large enough for the 100 gal.
They will probably never eat flake food, frozen Mysis and zooplankton (SW) make excellent foods long term.

barry cuda

Thanks, Bang. I'll talk to this local gentleman about weaning...I believe he's starting the process right about now anyway. But it's good to know we'll be able to meet these fishes' needs.