Well after having my 2 cleaner shrimps carry a few batches of eggs in the past I actually got to watch them eject them this time.
One of them has been carrying these eggs longer than in the past so i have been watching closely. Well just a few minutes ago she started ejected them and I could see them floating around..little tiny transparent shrimpies. I tried scooping some up with a plastic container. I know I got some and put them in my fuge for a better chance.
Anyone on here have them actually live and grow from that stage in their tanks?
One of them has been carrying these eggs longer than in the past so i have been watching closely. Well just a few minutes ago she started ejected them and I could see them floating around..little tiny transparent shrimpies. I tried scooping some up with a plastic container. I know I got some and put them in my fuge for a better chance.
Anyone on here have them actually live and grow from that stage in their tanks?