Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

Just thought I'd update you all on my babies. These pics are much better than the last orange blobs. Day 20, they have their stripes...some are starting to get their black. They are looking good!
Not really a "breeding" tank. Just my main reef tank which is a 75 gallon with 20 gallon sump, 440 watts vho lots of live rock and sand. some shrooms and leathers, and a few other fish. My clowns started spawning I did lots and lots of reading I mean LOTS. Then dcided to try and raise them. The hardest part is making sure you have enough live food for the larvae. Other than that it seems pretty easy so far. however I am starting to run out of room in my basement.


Active Member
I'm showing my green horns here but, how do you keep them in the main tank without them becoming dinner?
Do the babies get rotifers? or what to eat?
After they hatch from main tank they get harvested and put in my basement. I have many smaller tanks down there between 5 and 20 gal. set up for the fry. I also have a set up for microalgae, and rotifer cultures. With 2 liter bottles and 5 gal tanks. my basement looks like a bad science project. To answer your question yes they do eat rotifers for about the first 4-6 days on day 5 i start feeding them newly hatched brine shrimp.


Active Member
THANKS for the info, Joe!
I really would like to have some baby clowns in the tank.
I also have a 75g. My first 2 "visible" inhabitants after the cycle are Clowns. (Got them 4/24/05)
Appreciate you sharing your experience!


Active Member

Originally posted by Farmboy
How big is your breeding tank??
Any tips for a wanna be clown fish breeder?

There is also a good book entitled "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson that goes through the steps on breeding and raising clownfishes. A great read.
Very nice work on the babies!!!!!


Are you decapsalizing the brine shrimp or just hatching them? I keep trying to do the soak in water and bleach thing and the eggs never hatch!
Just hatching them. Everything seems to be going ok. But since I moved the babies into a filtered tank I am missing about 8 of them. Live and learn I guess. I have read different ideas on the brine shrimp and also when the should be moved into a different tank. It is kind of neat you can tell which ones are more dominant.
I do have one piece of advise READ LOTS and do your homework before starting.


Very Cool!! I would love the two Clowns to have babies, that was my hope from the start!! Just think it is neat that you have created more. Maybe local LFS will buy them back from you!!
Fun though anyways!!!


Really just hatch the brine shrimp? I'll have to try it. I've been feeding rotifers until day 12 then slowly weening them on to cylopeze. I lost one transfering over to a filtered tank. I waited until day 30 to do that. He was the smallest barely had two stripes while the others had 3. Keep learning as I go.


all past photos i think have been removed because of the update.. i dont know if we will get them back


Hi Joebuckmaster,
Since the forum revamp, we can't see the pictures of your babies! Would you mind posting them again? I would love to see them. Congratulations on your success!