Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS


we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...we want photos!!!...


Active Member
i just got a clarkii clown from my lfs, a little bit bigger then urs, i wonder how old he is?


:cheer: Finally got to see the pics! They look great! How many do you have? Keep us posted on how they are doing! Thanks. :joy: :joy:

yeffre kix

joebuckmaster said:
Yes every 2 weeks..[/QUOTE
Does this mean they lay eggs that often ? How often are the young born ? Seems like some very busy little fishes. I've thought about getting a mated pair to try out breeding but just to see the cycle of life occuing in my tank. Seems like that would be fascinating !


Man that seems like a lot of work. Have you been able to trade or sell any yet? I'm wanting my percs to breed but I don't know if my LFS could take that many that often. It is a pretty small community.


Hey, Joebuckmaster...where in IL are you? I don't have a tank yet but hope to have one set up within the year. I'd love to get some tank raised clownfish from you if you are selling your babies.
I am about 35-40 miles east of St.louis. I will sell when they all get big enough. I have about 3 that will be ready in about 2 months and then I will have some every 2 weeks after that I have a lot of babies in my basement that keep getting bigger and bigger everyday. Also mom and dad just keep going at it like the "ENERGIZER" bunny


Oh, I'm about a 4 1/2 hour drive from you as I'm about 30 southwest of Chicago. Still, when I get my tank going it might be worth a drive.
Have any new pictures you can share with us?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheGrog
There is also a good book entitled "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson that goes through the steps on breeding and raising clownfishes. A great read.
Very nice work on the babies!!!!!

but first you have to have willing clowns


Hey JoeBuck, How did you aquire the pair? Did you purchase them as a pair first or did you buy 1 and as it got bigger, you added another smaller clown and they nicely coupled up?
That picture with the small fries are NICE
!! :) Good job!!! all that studying sure pays off!!
Please post more pics, would love to see them! Do you have any pics of your main tank with the happy pair in it that you could post????????????

aloka de silva

New Member
for the 2nd time my meroon laid some eggs. how do you collect the little once when the hatch?
and did you use any filtration when they are separated?