Baby Parakeet Sexing


yes but if they are biters right now have her rest her hand on the cage aslong as they do not bite throught the cage if they do wait until you get them tamed down abit. a young kid getting bite wil make them scared of them which can cause them to be more aggressive towards her.
just supervise them while they are playing with them and tell them not to do it when no ones aroung till they are completely tame.


Active Member
Thanks Mike. They do not bite but they are skittish. One reason we got them from a breeder and not a pet shop is we were hoping they would already be somewhat tame??


New Member
I hate to tell you this but your Green is no Baby. It looks to be at least a year old if not more. Budgerigar's lose gradually lose the dark stipings on their head as they age. But I can say that the Green is a male for sure.
The Blue is no doubt a baby. However you can not depend on the color of the Cere to determine the --- as it is a mutation. Especially when it is a pied. The blue budgie is far to young to determine male/female at this point.
If you are looking for a good book. I would suggest
(Guide to a Well-Behaved Parrot)
The Author is Mattie Sue Athan
It is like a bible to some that are dedicated to the care of avian companions.
Good luck


Active Member
btw, these little guys are way nice... my daughter can do about anything with them and they do not bite her at all!!



New Member
Originally Posted by ReefNut
btw, these little guys are way nice... my daughter can do about anything with them and they do not bite her at all!!
Those pictures are way too cute!
But I gotta ask, is there any particular reason for not having their wings clipped? Aslo, why did you get 2 birds?
The reason I ask the above questions is that both have a negative effect in establishing the human/bird bonding process.
There are also many other negative issues that will arise when housing 2 birds in a single cage. They include both Medical & Social problems that will vary depending on the sexual combinations.
I am also not sure what to say about a poster that pointed out the color changes in the eye. I can clearly see the eye of your green in your pictures. How a person that claims to be a breeder missed that is beyond me.
I also noticed that your budgies are not banded. Where they removed?


Active Member
Their wings are clipped... they can fly a little but not much. Should they not be able to fly at all??
We got two because we live busy lives... they are my daughters and she is spending a lot of time with them right now but summer is coming. I know they will not bond as well with us but I figured it would be best if they had a companion.


New Member
Originally Posted by ReefNut
Their wings are clipped... they can fly a little but not much. Should they not be able to fly at all??
We got two because we live busy lives... they are my daughters and she is spending a lot of time with them right now but summer is coming. I know they will not bond as well with us but I figured it would be best if they had a companion.
They should be able to fly just enough to land. You pictures show that the wings have been clipped but not the right way. Both Budgies will be in full flight very soon if they are not already.
I can see many things that have been done wrong in both your pictures & posts. I am not looking to critique your decision or cause debate.
Your Budgies would do better if they were to be seperated.
The fact that you will be out of the home really has no impact.
They are getting attention right now & you anticipate a major change soon.
Good Luck
I am unable to say more without being crass.


New Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
A little statistics may help here. Purchase 3.
Statistics have no bearing here.
this is basic husbantry.


Active Member
Wow, I hated Parakeets when I had some.
Mine were so unruly and untamed... I wish I had some that were nice...

Those look SO sweet and your daughter looks delighted! <3


Active Member
Reef, I am going to break a rule for you and post a link to a bird webiste that might help you out. I really have no idea I just googled "parakeet message board" This is their budgie section. They might be able to help you out. If this breaks the rules considering you used to be a shark you can tell me and I will delete it.


Active Member
Scotts, thanks a bunch for the site!! Technically it is breaking the rules but there are no reference to fishes so I do not think anyone will mind... thanks again!! btw, I singed up so after they approve me I'll post some threads and see what their response is.
hoya, your criticism is welcome if you keep it constructive.
Phixer, why 3??
ImUrNamine, they REALLY surprised me. I got them moving onto my hand and the next thing I know my daughter was scooping them up like hamsters lol. thanks :)


Active Member
I hope your parakeets are doing good for you the pictures are great, I'm glad you have hand tamed them when young. My GF and I just got two more lovebirds today so now we are up to 4 love birds and two cockatiels. I'll try to post some pictures tommorow.


Active Member
Let's see them!! Here's a Goffin Cockatoo (RIP) we had. It was my wifes. Unfortunately he/she "glided" into a 5g bucket of saltwater and drown

After the kids get older and move out
:cheer: oooopppps... I mean when we get older we plan to keep another larger bird.



New Member
Originally Posted by ReefNut
Scotts, thanks a bunch for the site!! Technically it is breaking the rules but there are no reference to fishes so I do not think anyone will mind... thanks again!!
hoya, your criticism is welcome if you keep it constructive.
Phixer, why 3??
ImUrNamine, thanks :)
What I meant by my reply was not that I was looking to criticize but did not want to tell anyone what they have done wrong. That would be rude & difficult to correct at this point. I did not mean to make it sound like that was my intent.
I am very confused why a breeder would sell you a bird & tell you it is a baby when it is not (Green)
Aside from that, I just want you to be aware of some of the more important problems housing 2 in the same cage.
1)If you have a male & female they will mate & lay eggs. This will lead to chronic egg laying & can cause some major health issues in the female.
2)If both birds are the same ---, one will become dominant & can injure the other. It usually starts out by plucking of the headfeathers & can get worse.
Let me know if you would like more information.
Look for a web site called Birdsnways. It is full of articles & information of all you need to know & also has bird specific boards.
Budgies are really great birds & can speak really well. They just seem to talk so fast it is hard to understand them. If you want to understand them it helps to use a recorder that you can playback at 1/2 speed.
Good Luck