Well its been a few years since I've been in the saltwater hobby so in some respects I'm not a newbie, however its going to take a few weeks or so to get back into the swing of things. Back in highschool I had 3 tanks, a 12 gallon nano, 20 gallon QT, and a 55 gallon reef. I maintained them sucessfully for 2 years, then went to college and they took a turn for the worse (parents just fed them and turned the lights on and off
) Well now that I've graduated, gotten a job (so I can finally afford this expensive, yet rewarding, hobby) I decided to start my nano back up. So far its been running for a week with just saltwater/sand. I added 7 lbs. of live rock today, and hopefully the water quality will get better...
so far its sitting at
temp: 82
pH: 8.0
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: .25 ppm
Nitrate: 20 ppm
I'm going to continue to test it and wait for it to stabilize before I buy anything living. If it looks good next weekend I may get a few hermit crabs (since they are only 1.99 at the lfs). If not, I'll give it another week. I'll get some pictures up as soon as I can, there's a few pieces of interesting life on the rock(snails and polyps that the lfs didn't see), so hopefully they will make it through the cycle!
EDIT: Pics added! These pics are after the fist snails/crabs were put in to combat the first cycle of algae.
so far its sitting at
temp: 82
pH: 8.0
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: .25 ppm
Nitrate: 20 ppm
I'm going to continue to test it and wait for it to stabilize before I buy anything living. If it looks good next weekend I may get a few hermit crabs (since they are only 1.99 at the lfs). If not, I'll give it another week. I'll get some pictures up as soon as I can, there's a few pieces of interesting life on the rock(snails and polyps that the lfs didn't see), so hopefully they will make it through the cycle!
EDIT: Pics added! These pics are after the fist snails/crabs were put in to combat the first cycle of algae.