Back in the day...


Im sorry for any intrested about this but I have decided to take it away hence it is offencive and/or struck nerves. The main question was Why are so many children in my generation (Im 12) be such wimps? The other content angered people


You're going to make a lot of people angry with the "special" quote. Apparently you haven't been around many special children. I work with them, they're not "retards". Maybe if people had stuck to the true meaning of the word as it was originally intended when speaking about handicaps, but not now.


Originally Posted by ocean4life
if this offends anyone i will delete it
Ocean, you are still have a lot to learn about life. I won;t hold this against you because of your young age, BUT, think before you type, and yes.....I think you should delete that line


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Ocean, you are still have a lot to learn about life. I won;t hold this against you because of your young age, BUT, think before you type, and yes.....I think you should delete that line
I was going got give him props for deleting it, but then I realized that he is not deleting it because of what he said, but deleting it because we (I) got offended. Not the right reason. He just struck a nerve tonight. My son's special ed teacher had a dance for all the special ed kids. Just like a regular dance. She decked out the school cafeteria, had everybody dress up and kicked all the parents out, just so it was a kids only night. Then add on to it that more than half the kids there were regular education students who spent their Friday night to be there. They were all dressed up like it was a regular school dance and they ALL had a great time. BTW we are talking High school kids, I mean what high school kid would want to spend their Firday night with a bunch of re....... special kids right?!


Active Member
OMG, there were some kids from a high school here that held a prom for our special school district. It was awsome! Some of my daughters friends donated dresses from previous dances and it was great. The opposite was true at my moms nursing home last year. My daughter participated last spring in a "senior" (literally)
prom. It was a blast. The girls and guys had sooo much fun. a few were hesitant, but once the received the unconditional love and appreciation from these folks they were forever changed.
A human being needs love and affection regardless. And remember......there by the grace of God go I. You never know what your future holds. All of Gods creatures are equal and have equal needs.
Life can and does change in a split second. Seize the moment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Ocean, you are still have a lot to learn about life. I won;t hold this against you because of your young age, BUT, think before you type, and yes.....I think you should delete that line


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ocean4life
Yea I guess so but still no one answered the core question: why my generation is full of wimps.

As a young person I got beat up and picked on because I was quiet. So the term “wimp” is cruel and inappropriate and not to be used towards other children, just like the inappropriate term retard.
At 12 years old it’s time to learn that every child God put on this Earth has value. Growing up is hard enough without other children picking on you for being different. Some are born smarter, some are sensitive and caring others are athletes, some are crippled. Everyone has their part to play in life.
If you can learn at your age to embrace the differences in others and show respect for all, you could go far in this life, and maybe make it a little bit better for you having been a part of it. The way you treat others show your character, so inappropriate labeling marks you not the other way around.


Originally Posted by Flower

As a young person I got beat up and picked on because I was quiet. So the term “wimp” is cruel and inappropriate and not to be used towards other children, just like the inappropriate term retard.
At 12 years old it’s time to learn that every child God put on this Earth has value. Growing up is hard enough without other children picking on you for being different. Some are born smarter, some are sensitive and caring others are athletes, some are crippled. Everyone has their part to play in life.
If you can learn at your age to embrace the differences in others and show respect for all, you could go far in this life, and maybe make it a little bit better for you having been a part of it. The way you treat others show your character, so inappropriate labeling marks you not the other way around.
You guys are still going on brecause I said retard?now its wimp! Did you even read it, I said MY generation. not yours, not the next, mine. thats exactlly what my original post complained about, your just restating it! I do have respect for others, but whenever I say the truth you have to get all emotional? well heard of this, the truth hurts. no anger torwards anyone just always fricken mad when adults are telling me if im right or wrong escpecially if its against wat they think just to prove me wrong. and y dont you just tell us the truth, well survive ( unless they are those wi-lazy people) no hard feeling


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ocean4life
You guys are still going on brecause I said retard?now its wimp! Did you even read it, I said MY generation. not yours, not the next, mine. thats exactlly what my original post complained about, your just restating it! I do have respect for others, but whenever I say the truth you have to get all emotional? well heard of this, the truth hurts. no anger torwards anyone just always fricken mad when adults are telling me if im right or wrong escpecially if its against wat they think just to prove me wrong. and y dont you just tell us the truth, well survive ( unless they are those wi-lazy people) no hard feeling

My Dear,
YOUR generation is in danger because now the kids of YOUR generation are killing each other over such terms, and less infractions. Back in MY day we would fight and it all was over, in YOUR day a fight can escalate to murder.
I wasn’t picking on you, but offering some sound advice. All terms to negatively describe another person is a BAD thing, not only because it is immoral but because YOUR generation is tired of it in their own destructive way. A slip of the tongue, or a wrong finger or hand gesture now can mean death.
In the end, YOU can’t control anyone but yourself, so that is the only person to address any short comings to. You can only change yourself and your own attitudes, however if you can develop a good attitude towards your peers, it just may catch on and you can be an example to YOUR generation.
So MY generation makes an effort to educate whenever possible. All that rage you just exploded my way…that’s just hormones...I hope. There was no reason to get angry at me over what I wrote to you. It was good advice, but alas it needs a more mature person to understand it apparently.
Sorry my response caused you anger, YOUR generation scares the gibbers out of me. I’m reaching senior years, and MY generation must depend on YOUR generation. My future is not looking too rosy right now. In 20 years I will only be in my 70s, that’s too young for me to wish to be dead before then, and so I will be in YOUR generations hands…
Amazingly the “SPECIEL” people and those who are shy and sensitive, are the better part of YOUR generation. They however won’t be the ones in charge.
How's that for the truth?


Wait so are we gonna rip on kids today or not? I've been really wanting to.....
I got a teenage daughter on my last nerve, I'm ready to jump in! heehee
ocean4life was offensive with the wording, however I do think a good point was made.