Back in the day...


Thanks, Ill be more careful in future refrences and situations
PS I never tried to criticzise impared persons
PPS We cool now


I just want to say, that what is lacking from the younger generation, is not strength, but compassion, patience, and selflessness. What young people don't understand, is how strong, these "special" people are that they can make through a life of challenges and ridicule, most in constant need of help from others, and often doing so with a smile on their face. My nephew has cp, he is not slow mentally, but appears slow because of his muscle control issues. Nothing breaks your heart like seeing them cry at night because they just want to run and play like other children. We should all learn something from those who face such challenges as being born without certain opportunities and abilities. It will make our problems seem much smaller, and make us want to help out those special one who could use it. Let's not be like chickens. No need to single out the weak and keep them in there place. Try to put yourself in there shoes, and do to them, what you would want done to you if you were them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tpnel
I got a teenage daughter on my last nerve, I'm ready to jump in! heehee

I can soooooo relate to that right now. Since about 1am
I never understood in nature how mothers could eat their young. Now I completely understand.


Originally Posted by IbanEz
My nephew has cp, he is not slow mentally, but appears slow because of his muscle control issues.
My son also has cp....mentally he is smart as can be....only his lower extremities are affected....
I remember when we were at his school when he was in Kindergarden....a friend said...Hey Danny....why do you walk like that? ANd he turned with a big smile and said...OH Cause I have Palsy.....and just kept going like it was nothing.....IT WAS SOMETHING to me....brought tears to my eyes that only I would see......My son played youth football, and received an award for dedication, because the coach said...he had NEVER seen anyone try as hard as Danny......He may not have been as fast as all the other kids....BUT I'LL TELL YOU THIS.....he was always right there with them
and still is as a young man.....
he decided he wants a motorcycle
(he is an adult) He took a class at his college, and was told because of his balance issues he could never ride one...YES, he was sad....BUT now he is looking into a CanAm (??) trike or something like that
ALL I am saying make your life what it is....I would have given my own legs to him if I could....BUT you know what....he NEVER cried.....he ACCEPTED his life, and made the best of it....
Wouldn't it be something if EVERYONE would accept all the "different" people in our lives......


Active Member
This generation is everything stated above. They have really never had to see suffering. The "real depression" was horrific. That is why our grandparents are strong, independent and know how to survive. They and their families clawed their way out from nothing. And I mean nothing. No food sometimes, gas, cars, homes, clothing. If they did get work it was for enough to get them through the day maybe 2. Our parents (1940-1950's) knew RESPECT, how to work at ANY job, didn't have a lot, but had a little more than their parents. Generally 1 car. People did what they had to do get by and to WORK. Did I mention RESPECT, also HAD to go to war (Think Happy Days show)
My generation 1960's-70's still hard working, RESPECT, was taught how to work, sweat, contribute and care.
Right now I see no respect or compassion. Respect is the worse thing lacking right now. Take a good look at all of the reality shows right now. Its sole premiss is about how you can gang up on, lie, disrepect, and generally show that bad behavior gets you in 1st place. Also I can't stand watching parent teaching bad behavior to kids all in the name of sports. People hide behind text msgs, computer screens and think they can say anything or do anything to anyone. Yes, I could say all of this to you in person and I have many times to others. Human life has no meaning for a large part of this generation and a tough day is when the bottled water is out at the vending machine or they can't access Facebook for an hour.
I worry for this generation because they don't have to nor want to work for anything. Heck most kids right now don't even know how to clean a bathroom or cook a real meal. My kids have chores and some of their friends think that is hysterical. There are tougher days ahead economy wise and this generation won't be able to support themselves in the custom they are used to. Nor will they be able to pull themselves up from nothing as their great grandparents did and move ahead.


Active Member
When life hands you lemons, squeeze them and find someone who life handed vodka and have a party

Those Can Am trikes look cool. The have 2 front wheels and one rear. Only issue would be staying on.


Right now I see no respect or compassion. Respect is the worse thing lacking right now. Take a good look at all of the reality shows right now. Its sole premiss is about how you can gang up on, lie, disrepect, and generally show that bad behavior gets you in 1st place. Also I can't stand watching parent teaching bad behavior to kids all in the name of sports. People hide behind text msgs, computer screens and think they can say anything or do anything to anyone. Yes, I could say all of this to you in person and I have many times to others. Human life has no meaning for a large part of this generation and a tough day is when the bottled water is out at the vending machine or they can't access Facebook for an hour.
I agree whole heartedly! My husband refers to it as the "MTV generation"... I call it an "entitlement complex". My 16 yr old daughter just learned today how to do laundry... was appalled at the thought of her first car being a "beater"... the list goes on and on. Daily we have "discussions" on respect, or more so LACK of respect.
Parenting is tough stuff!!


Originally Posted by tpnel
I agree whole heartedly! My husband refers to it as the "MTV generation"... I call it an "entitlement complex". My 16 yr old daughter just learned today how to do laundry... was appalled at the thought of her first car being a "beater"... the list goes on and on. Daily we have "discussions" on respect, or more so LACK of respect.
Parenting is tough stuff!!
LOL.....When each kid turned 16 we bought them a "learner" of my kids I bought them a red blazer....I happened to love it.....when we brought it home she cried and said I must really hate her for buying her something like that...LOL...I mean I JUST BOUGHT her a car
.......Back in my day (LOL) my parents could have bought me a brand new car.....Know what I got....a quarter for the mini bus LOL
I think a huge problem with the younger generations is bad parenting. Not only from parents, but all authority figures. It's true that some kids are going to be misfits regardless of parenting, that's one thing that will never change. However kids are not genetically engineered to be more ignorant, lazy, and attitude ridden with each generation. It is something that is programmed into them by parents, teachers, employers, etc. You can go ahead and blame it on the media, but if you(the money making adult) are paying for cable, and watching the news, and allowing your kids to watch it and access garbage websites then you are to blame. It's too easy to get sucked into the "mainstream". It throws EVERYTHING out of perspective..... You know I'm just going to stop myself here because I could go on for days, lol. I don't even want to think about what's gone wrong with the world.. it puts me in an awful mood.


Active Member
Isn't always the parents. Some kids just never learn. As far as entitlements go I hear you there. Pay attention to these stupid cell phone commercials. They push the notion that every kid has their own cell phone. When my kid was in high school back in 2001 he stole out change bucket to go buy a cell phone because we wouldn't buy him one. He just had to have one cause everyone else did. Not only couldn't he afford to make the monthly payment so he only had a working phone a month or so, When he got a job the first 150.00 came to me to make up for the change he stole. He was lucky I was laid up or there would have been a fist fight involved, he had just turned 18.


Active Member
Hold on.. did this kid get a bad response from you guys because he asked why the younger generation was a bunch of retards? That's absolutely stupid (if that's the case). That's the same thing as calling something "gay" and it meaning "stupid". Gay people aren't "stupid" but it's just wording.
It's retarded to get mad at words and getting mad at words could be one small reason why America is running backwards..
Nobody here was making fun of 'special' children. You took offense for no reason.


Originally Posted by Speg
Hold on.. did this kid get a bad response from you guys because he asked why the younger generation was a bunch of retards? That's absolutely stupid (if that's the case). That's the same thing as calling something "gay" and it meaning "stupid". Gay people aren't "stupid" but it's just wording.
It's retarded to get mad at words and getting mad at words could be one small reason why America is running backwards..
Nobody here was making fun of 'special' children. You took offense for no reason. didn't see the original thread.....if you had you would not have posted what you just did
IMO this thread should be locked or deleted anyways


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
http:///forum/post/3271786 didn't see the original thread.....if you had you would not have posted what you just did
IMO this thread should be locked or deleted anyways
Oh, my bad then :)


everyone has different tolerance levels for certain words. my husband is black and in most case where the N word is used we find it humorous since it's a blatant display of ignorance, but once someone used the term "half breed" which i thought was in reference to my daughter and it got UGLY! some words that certain people use every day can be extremely offensive to the next.
i don't think the words chosen were meant to offend, just a poor choice... i preferred this thread when it was about sharing experiences with teens since it reassured me that my teen wasn't the only s**t out there.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
You're going to make a lot of people angry with the "special" quote. Apparently you haven't been around many special children. I work with them, they're not "retards". Maybe if people had stuck to the true meaning of the word as it was originally intended when speaking about handicaps, but not now.
I agree. I have worked with MR/DD and they are wonderful people


Active Member
Sitting around having a polite conversation I am not going to say N-word, R-word or whatever word in a group of adults, I am going to use the word. It's one thing to say it as part of a relevant conversation and quite another to call someone that. However on a bulletin board where the context of a conversation is much harder to follow it's just not a good idea to throw such words around willy nelly.


Active Member
I clicked on this thread expecting it to be pertaining to the old Tribe Called Quest song Excursions. Boy was I wrong.