Back in the hobby 55 gallon pics


I have the exact same wet/ have to keep the pump that is connected to the protein skimmer clean..I clean mine once a month..never had a problem in 3 years..
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383452/back-in-the-hobby-55-gallon-pics#post_3355868
Looks nice,.....rush or not...good luck with it.....
did that skimmer come with your sump? I had one like that....worked fine for a few months and just quit.....I was told they are not that great....Since then I have gotten a Hurricone Cat 2e external....HOLY COW....this thing pulls out some nasty gunk....LOL
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383452/back-in-the-hobby-55-gallon-pics#post_3355981
Originally Posted by Snowflakeclown
Yes that skimmer was an add on to the wet/dry, so it fits right down inside and uses a RIO 2200 pump. It works well, but if I need to I will get an external. What troubles did you have with yours?
BTL I will send you an email a bit later. Thank You all for your input.
At first it worked okay.....and it just stopped producing.....then when I started asking questions about it, I was told they are not that great....


Originally Posted by Indy2009 http:///forum/thread/383452/back-in-the-hobby-55-gallon-pics/20#post_3356617
I have the exact same wet/ have to keep the pump that is connected to the protein skimmer clean..I clean mine once a month..never had a problem in 3 years..
LOL...WELL I sure could have used you 8 months ago

I even bought a new pump for it Indy......can't get any cleaner then that.....mine just would not run right.....gladd yours does though.....I had a Catalina 3000 pump with used for water changes LOL


I clean all my pumps with warm water distilled white vinegar..
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383452/back-in-the-hobby-55-gallon-pics/20#post_3356693
Originally Posted by Indy2009
I have the exact same wet/ have to keep the pump that is connected to the protein skimmer clean..I clean mine once a month..never had a problem in 3 years..
LOL...WELL I sure could have used you 8 months ago

I even bought a new pump for it Indy......can't get any cleaner then that.....mine just would not run right.....gladd yours does though.....I had a Catalina 3000 pump with used for water changes LOL
I could see not cleaning your pump as being a problem, especially when the pump was too big to fit the plastic housing on the end that "screens" larger waste. I had to remove mine or it would not fit period the way the skimmer tube mounted to the pump. I didn't think it would be a big issue as the intake overflow has a large sponge on it that should clean any larger particles. Mine is also working fine, just cleaned it at about 1/2 to 3/4 full last night, smelled like a REALLY bad perm in a woman's hair salon (or man's I suppose ;))