Ball Python - help


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
i bet theyll use clones of michael jackson..."yd it have to be michael jackson clones?!"

Well then thay had better give it an R rating. Keep your kids away!


I don't know why it would have bit her. I have heard they are a very docile snakes. As far as that bite as long it didn't bleed it shouldn't be a problem but I'm no expert.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oak
I don't know why it would have bit her. I have heard they are a very docile snakes. As far as that bite as long it didn't bleed it shouldn't be a problem but I'm no expert.
they usually r but as babies if theyre not handled they can be nasty, thats the prob w/ buying adult retic pythons, theyre often not handled as babies


Active Member
Guys its a snake. A wild animal. Wild animals bite. Not all the time but if you spook them they do what is natural. There is no taking the wild out of an animal.


Staff member
The many teeth of ball pythons are as sharp as razors, and a bite will bleed as if slashed by a razor. Fortunately the teeth are tiny so punctures are fairly superficial.
My snakes are very tame, but if stimulated during feeding and they have the perception that my hand or foot is prey, they will attempt to strike when, at any other time, they are as docile as a newborn babe. Likewise, if they are startled and don't realize that it is me, they will go into defense mode, or "S" mode, as I like to call it. If a snake's head is raised, and his upper body is in an "S" shape, back away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
Guys its a snake. A wild animal. Wild animals bite. Not all the time but if you spook them they do what is natural. There is no taking the wild out of an animal.
yes, but u can get them to an extent where they will be very docile, "tame" if u will. theyy still be nasty if u put them in a certain situation

30-xtra high

Active Member
i had a 2 foot ball, and gave it to a friend of mine for his "breeding ball", and its already eating medium rats, but my point is i handled that thing all the time, and it bit me everytime anyone touched it.., traded it in for a yellow rat snake, only about 9 inches, so still a baby in my eyes, and it bites me constantly even while i hold it.. i don't get it, luckily it'll only get about 3 feet, so its teeth won't hurt when it bites me later.,
i disagree with any animal known as docile, i think each individual is different, and when a snake strikes, (and it is a reasonable size), it doesn't hurt, so the girl will be fine, but afraid of snakes for awile, the strike is kinda scary, lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
so the girl will be fine, but afraid of snakes for awile, the strike is kinda scary, lol
thats really sad, its scary yes but to be afraid of snakes just for one bite? isnt it possible that it was more something she did than the owner or the snake even?


Active Member
You can learn to handle snakes and many other animals. You can get them to not fear you and accept being handled. However they are wild creatures and will follow there wild instinct. They are not tame. You do not teach them. They teach you how to handle them.


Staff member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
i had a 2 foot ball, and gave it to a friend of mine for his "breeding ball", and its already eating medium rats, but my point is i handled that thing all the time, and it bit me everytime anyone touched it.., traded it in for a yellow rat snake, only about 9 inches, so still a baby in my eyes, and it bites me constantly even while i hold it.. i don't get it, luckily it'll only get about 3 feet, so its teeth won't hurt when it bites me later.,
i disagree with any animal known as docile, i think each individual is different, and when a snake strikes, (and it is a reasonable size), it doesn't hurt, so the girl will be fine, but afraid of snakes for awile, the strike is kinda scary, lol
Perhaps the problem is with you, and not the snakes.


Active Member
When I rescued my cali king from its previous owner the guy said it was nasty reached in the cage thenn slapped the snake about half way down its body, of course the snake went into deffensive agression mode. I looked at the guy and said if you slapped me I'd want to kick your axxx too. my king is definatly a completly docile snake the only time he has ever took a shot at me was during feeding time, in his feeding crate when he wanted another mouse and I though he would be full after the first one. he was still in eating mode. thats one reason I only feed my snakes in a seperate container that way they dont think of their cage as a hunting ground. they know the tote means food.

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Perhaps the problem is with you, and not the snakes.
how is the problem me if i have other snakes that are completely fine, not only are they fine, when other people hold my nice ones they are just fine, then when they get the other ones they get bitten, i'm i am talking about pet store managers that have snake rooms, when i took my mean snakes in to get them sexed they got bitten constantly.., not only that, how do you make a 10 inch snake mean.. not enough time..
and sharkboy.. if you were six, and a couple foot python bit you.. i assure you you would be afraid of snakes for awile..
and i feed my snakes in another tank also, my first snake got fed in his tank, then i learned where i went wrong, corrected the problem, and he is the nicest snake i've ever owned., maybe i have problems with my other snakes i just haven't figured out yet..

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
thats really sad, its scary yes but to be afraid of snakes just for one bite? isnt it possible that it was more something she did than the owner or the snake even?
dunno if you caught it.. but the LITTLE GIRL is only SIX, i'm positive it was something she did that made the snake bite, not on purpoes of course, but i'm still sure she did it, but she is 6..she doesn't know what she did, she just thinks that snakes bite.. and it (probably depending on size) hurts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
dunno if you caught it.. but the LITTLE GIRL is only SIX, i'm positive it was something she did that made the snake bite, not on purpoes of course, but i'm still sure she did it, but she is 6..she doesn't know what she did, she just thinks that snakes bite.. and it (probably depending on size) hurts.

First, its my son.
Second, he went to pet the snake like he was able to do in school. Of course there there were handlers who hold its mouth.
Third, A snake is not an appropriate pet for a child. ITs a wild animal and wild animals bit. Hey so do domesticated ones if not handled right.
Forth, I still may go get the snake and make a belt. Damm snake.
Lastly, he is fine as far as we can tell.


Do you know that it was actually a "wild" snake and by that I mean actually captured in the wild.
If it was a captive bred snake, they seem to be more docile.
In my experiences. Which includes balls, burmese, rock, blood, red tails, carpets, kings, corns and many others.
Also, could your son have had access to any four legged critters prior to the bite, Such as, a pet mouse, hamster, gerbil, rat, rabbit.
I ask because all of these little critters have what is called "musk" glands. Which release a scent that could have been on your son.
If so, it could have simply been an honest mistake on the snakes part.
Snakes don't bite just for the fun of it.
Unless it is a reticulated python. lol
I'm sure Sharkboy13 knows what I mean.


Active Member
Do you know that it was actually a "wild" snake and by that I mean actually captured in the wild.
Not known. The owner got it from someone who got it from someone.
If it was a captive bred snake, they seem to be more docile.
True but you dont make a wild animal less wild in a few generations.
Also, could your son have had access to any four legged critters prior to the bite, Such as, a pet mouse, hamster, gerbil, rat, rabbit.
If so, it could have simply been an honest mistake on the snakes part.
The snake did only what was in its nature.
Snakes don't bite just for the fun of it.
No its in there nature


What happened to your son is unfortunate. And I am sorry about that.
But, I feel that you are being a little harsh in stating (what seems to be) an uneducated, inexperienced opinion on snakes.

Are you afraid of them? Is that why? It is very understandable many people are. And EXCSPECIALLY when it comes to our children.
Or, It is just coming across wrong in the words written? As it so often seems to do on this site. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
... I feel that you are being a little harsh ...
All I am saying is that a snake is a wild creature and will bit as part of its natural instinct.
So...If you handle or cross the path of a snake they will either try to run or bite you. Its in there nature. I'd say that makes me very educated.
The fact that they dont bite you most of the time is that we have learnt to handle them in a way to not get bit. But you will eventually get bit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
Unless it is a reticulated python. lol
I'm sure Sharkboy13 knows what I mean.
haha yes i do.. but not all retics r nasty, the one i plan on getting at my lfs is a nice one, calm, baby too