Bang Guy can you give me some advise?


i like the look of the tank especially the glass and the color of the stand!
you really packed in the LR (looks good)!
were is your refugium, if oyu get a chance can you show that as well?


Active Member

Originally posted by roadrunner
i'm glad that everything is going sorta easily, lol. i can beleive that you put in all that rock i definatly have to see a pick of that!
hope you can fijure out what up with the scwd.
-lol yea, the built in overflow cant handle the flow Im going to have to 'expand' its flow abilities.
did everything live in the move?
- 0 deaths so far, ane everyone looks pretty good, little concerned about the clams.
question - wha type of lightig would you recommend in my tank?
- few questions does ur tank run hot or cold usually? What animals would u like to keep? maybe a 175mh bulb and one or two actinics, normal output would do a great job for zoo's. I dont know the req for the tree coral, but I think the rest should be okay.
i want to either keep several different types of zoo's and ricordia
i'd been thinking of these coral:
hammer coral - would like to sit on the LSB (18 inches deep)
yellow fiji leather
kenya tree coral
and possible a anemone (RBTA) for the clowns


Active Member

Originally posted by roadrunner
i like the look of the tank especially the glass and the color of the stand!
you really packed in the LR (looks good)!
were is your refugium, if oyu get a chance can you show that as well?

well its going under the tank, lol but right now its got a ph in it circuating the water w/a small heater until I figure out how im gonna be able to get water to the underside of the tank because the overflow was supposed to do 1500gph but seems to only do about half that. I looked at it and what I need to drill is expand the area that has 'teeth' they only did a small section for water to flow in, while it could easily of been cut to twice or three times the size it is. So I have my task tomorrow :yes:


Active Member

Originally posted by roadrunner
have fun on your project today!

lol I will once I get done with work, have to support this habit somehow :p


Active Member

Originally posted by roadrunner
msd2 - can you help me out with lighting?

I can try :joy: I think i briefly mentioned it before but was there another question you had?


i wrote a post a few up on this page (the seventh thread from this one) and then you copied it but you didn't reply.
if you could just read over the lighting thread and tell me what you think?
I'm not sure if i should go with a 2x65 PC or 2x75 VHO or should i go with 175MH pendent?
(worried though that the MH will overheat the tank?


Active Member
I really like MH light. It is really nice to watch, especially if you have top current. I would guess with a pendent style you wouldn't have too much of a heat problem. I run mh and actinic bulbs and get good growth and like the coloring. Its 10k bulbs (mh), I like the whiteness of em. Its more white than it appears in the pics, my camera is not the best.
Does your room usually run warm or cold? I ask because it makes a difference, and what temp is ur tank now?
I like mh because it pretty much will let you run anything and if ur tank reasonably long you will have shadow areas for mushrooms and other lower light critters. I have never been a big fan of t5 or pc lights. But they definitely can work well, they just dont penetrate the water as well.


Active Member
lol this post is getting way long, if you want feel free to contact via instant msging
yahoo: michaeld619(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
aim: michaeld619
msgr: funinsun2003


Can you give some detail on how the smaller rubbermaid in the bigger rubbermaid works? In the smaller container do I just drill holes in each side? Or do I have to install a powerhead on one side to push the water thru the small container.


my room temp runs according to the temp outside.
my tank temp is kept around 78 +/- a degree.
my tank is 24 inches long.