brian, that was a cool link, thanks. there was tons of stuff on that site. bang guy, I live in florida so I guess I always took for granted living 10 mins from the beach. In the bay there are all sorts of free hermits, arrow crabs, ghost shrimp, rays, ect ect. an idea for your kiddie touch tank would be 'horseshoe crabs'. they are neat, and you can handle them without hurting them. just when you pick them up keep their gills under the watter, or whatever its called. there neat also when their feet kick and try to run/swim while your holding them. In Gatlinburg TN, they have Ripleys' aquarium of the americas... IT is hands down awesome! better than any florida aquarium 100 times better than the New orleans aquarium also. At ripley's they have a touch tank with huge, i mean huge horseshoe crabs. brittle and serpent stars would probally hold up well also.