Bang Guy, question


Hi, Tagg here again.
I've searched, been on the phone to Home Depot etc.
Can't get Southdown, Yardright or Old Castle. I can only get a brown quikrete brand sand, used for cement work up here in Minnesota.
Looks like silica sand will be my only other choice, If I wash it about 10 times, do you think it will work for me? 100 lbs is only around 6 dollars. I will need 400 lbs +
If I start with afew tanks at a time (all connected), do you think I will be ok? Also do you think that if its stired up, will it possibly hurt the fish and anemoney.
And, would it be a god idea to leave sone of the CC/gravel mix in the tanks... say 1/2 inch. (bacteria established already). Just cover it up with 1/2 inch of silica.... then wait afew weeks and add more?
All tanks are also set up so I can isolate them each while the dust settles.
Any commests appreciated....from anyone
Thanks everyone.


I plan on moving any inverts to other tanks until I get a total debth of 2 inches total. I plan on having the silica sand filter down into exhisting (what I leave [1/2 inch]), CC for better contact. This should help the process of bringing the sand to "life"
I hope....

bang guy

My thoughts.
If the sand is not pure white then don't use it. There's no telling what it's made of even if silica based. If it doesn't have a warning about Silica dust poisoning then it's not nearly pure enough.
You want a very very fine sand. Similar to processed sugar.
If you leave CC it will eventually find its way to the top and choke out the sand bed.
If you want to seed the sand with CC then place a bunch in some nylons or other filter bag and set it on top of the sand after you get it in. The microfauna will find their way to the sand. If there are larger critters in the CC you want to keep then you'll need to hand pick them out.


Thank You, Thank you, Thank You, Thank you, Thank You, Thank you, Thank You, Thank you, Thank You, Thank you,
Oh... Also, I would like to Thank You.
I won't know how pure it is until I open a bag I gess, or by what it says on the bag (as you said).
I will buy 1 bag, take it to my truck and open it to see. If it don't look good, I'll go to another place and do the same thing, (try a defferent brand).
I see what you mean about the CC. I will follow your directions on that also.
Home Depot couldn't even special order in 1,000 lbs of the Southdown for me.
You guys are GREAT!
I'm off to the stores.........
I also would like to say "THANKS" if I forgot to mention it.


tagg i live in and i could not find southdown i was told that old castle from the caribbean was the same sand and this is what i have in my tanks every thing is doing well this is white very fine sand good luck


I had asked for Southdown, Yardright or Old Castle, at HDepot. They said no to all of them.
Just got home with the first 200 lbs of silica. It has the warning lable on it, and looks good. Looks like sugar, but not quite as white. (almost though). They had a broken bag, so I got to check it over first.
Looks like I got my work cut out for a while.
Thanks again. I'll keep ya all posted on results.
I live in Moorhead and I even drove out to Minneapolis and hunted every Home Depot I could find for Southdown/Old Castle...not a single one had it :(
If you do happen to find some in MN, please post where so I can go grab a few bags myself :)


Will do.....
A buddy of mine lives in Moorhead, know any Felland's?
I just got done with replacing a 40 gal with the silica sand. Looks whiter than I thought. Very little clouding.
Its now mixing with a 15H, 25H, and a 33L.
I'm crossing my fingers.....& toes.


Hey I don't know how willing you would be to drive, but I bought some Southdown from someone who ordered it from some place down in Ames, Iowa. I got it there a few months ago, and I can e-mail them and ask if they can get more or if I can roder some. I travel back home to the cities often if you don't drive. I can do a little checking.


I don't drive too much because of back problems. I'm 250 miles north of the Cities. I wonder if Marine Fanatic is still interested in some too?
Maby we could all work something out.
I would take all I could get..... 5 bags 10 bags?
I plan on going to my mom's house for thanksgiving, she lives in spirit lake, iowa.....i may be able to drive down to ames. if i do, i'll pick up a few extra bags in case you need some tagg.


Let me double check but I am pretty sure it wouldn't be in for a few weeks. It took me 3-4 weeks to get mine lsat time, since they specially ordered it. I'll get back to you guys.