Bang Guy


Active Member
FWIW,The jury is still out on the Zeovit system..Not long after I started I saw an incredible growth and color change. This came right about the time I switched salt mixes (IO to Oceanic) then came the high Mag levels (1600) and not too long after that I started seeing some unwanted alage, slower growth and less color....The high Mag levels are the only thing out of wack.
The Zeoheads are real strick about running ALL levels right at NSW levels...Its going to take a lot of WC's to get the mag level down..its hard enough trying to maintain a good Ca level and keep the kh down around 7..


do you think the high Mg levels are causing algae in the reef??????.......i run my around 1600 and no long have you been running zeovit?....from what i hear it is a pretty good way to control nuitrients...

bang guy

Thank you very much for the update. As I said before I value your opinion because you don't introduce bias in your statements.
Half of the Zeoheads that are claiming such fantastic results are selling the stuff and therefore tainted. My question are typically answered with defense instead of facts. That has always been a red flag for me.


i agree with you bang guy....i am never sure if it is a new trend that someone is trying to sell or not.....i am still deciding if i should add zeo (not the whole thing jsut certain parts) to my system.............would you say it is worth the money Mark?


The best thing zeovit has done is gotten a bunch of lazy assed reefkeepers to pay closer attention to their tank husbandry.
Those that were already pretty anal about keeping no3 and po4 extremely low, doing water changes, keeping the water clear, and keeping trace elements in check wont notice such miraculous results.
All just my opinion.


I see that this is for Bang Guy, and I apologize for the interuption but I wanted to ask...
Do you think those Mag levels are the cause of your algae outbreak?? If so, how will you lower the level? I ask because in my newly mixed saltwater (Oceanic) my mag levels are that high, so a water change will not correct it.
I have been experiencing an algae outbreak and I have since replaced my bulbs and RO filters, but if the root of the problem is potentially the mag levels then I need to learn how to address it properly.
Thanks in advance for any more info you can give.:)


Active Member
Originally posted by reefer44
do you think the high Mg levels are causing algae in the reef??????.......

Not sure, I think the high mag levels are not allowing the system to work proper so that maybe the reason..I'm pretty sure its slowing down coral growth.
Originally posted by reefer44
how long have you been running zeovit?....

Since 10/7/04
Originally posted by Bang Guy
Half of the Zeoheads that are claiming such fantastic results are selling the stuff and therefore tainted. My question are typically answered with defense instead of facts. That has always been a red flag for me.

I couldn't agree more. You know the reason why I'm using it so I won't bore you with the details of that.
Originally posted by reefer44

would you say it is worth the money Mark?

I got the reactor for free and I did some work for Eric at Fragfarmers so I got all the additives for free. So far its was worth it for me. If this tank ran as smooth as my last tank I probably wouldn't be using it.
Originally posted by Tizzo

Do you think those Mag levels are the cause of your algae outbreak??

I don't know for sure but I do know its not even near what NSW levels should be at.
Originally posted by Tizzo

how will you lower the level?

Oceanic salt mix has a high mag level on the average. The only way to lower it is to switch salt mixes. I've always used IO salt, The only reason I switched to Oceanic was that my LFS has the 200 gal buckets for 50.00..Jeff's has Tropic Marin buckets for 50.00 also, I might head down there Sat and pickup a bucket of that.
BTW, I did a about a 15% WC last night and dropped the Mag level down to 1500...IO salt mix measured out at 1350.


Active Member

Originally posted by SolonFairy
The best thing zeovit has done is gotten a bunch of lazy assed reefkeepers to pay closer attention to their tank husbandry.

its nice to know that people think of me as a "lazy assed reefkeeper"....I think I got your number now, but then I've had it before.



Originally posted by golfish
its nice to know that people think of me as a "lazy assed reefkeeper"....I think I got your number now, but then I've had it before.

I am sorry it looked that way, but what I said had no reference to you. From what I know, you have sound reefkeeping skills.


i am not sure why or if mg would cause slow growth or not....but i see what ur saying by it could be messing with the overall "balance" of the system............i keep mine at 1500-1600 because i am trying to saturate my Ca with the high Ca i am seeing a little better growth...but i don't know if Mg is directly effecting the corals or not....keep us updated