Bang Guy


Active Member
i know the first time i read that thread there were some comments in there that were not needed at all...but it has since then been cleaned up some


Active Member
There were a lot of threads that needed to be deleted - and clearly the thread would have required a lot of attention, and that takes away from the rest of the board.
Why is it such an important thread?
People take great enjoyment out of someone dying. And that is not something we need on this board...maybe not all the posts, maybe some are an interesting discussion...but it took up too much time to moderate.
Please do not continue to ask questions about it.

bang guy

Originally Posted by sig45
That was crap, that was in no way a solid answer.
Ya see, this is why Mods rarely answer these types of questions. We get crapped on for doing our job. Don't expect any answers at all about this stuff from me anymore.