bang guy


i need to know what these are. in one hole, of my live rock, i have these string like things comeing out of the hole. there is 8 - 10 of them. they are clear, about 2 inches long, and have black rings all the way down them( kind of looks like its segmented).
they are about as thick as a spider web. sometimes they look like they are moveing with the current & other times it looks like they may be moving on thier own. they are to small to get picture. thanks rick


Yeah I have those too...The seem like their fishing or something and its really creepy. sometimes they touch my feather duster and it freaks out lol... they dont seems to be doing any harm so I say let them stay!:D


thanks, i don't think it's a star. i have watched it with a red lense flashlight several times, and so far only the " legs/worm" have been seen.
thanks bang guy, are they ok in my tank
thanks rick


have to go with bang on this one...i have a bunch of them, the have never done any harm that I know of. picture will tell the story.


i did a search. thats what i have. thanks again bang guy and everyone else who posted.
i also answered my own question, they are ok.