Bang I need your advice


I've heard that you are the guy to talk to. I need some help determining what type of metal halide system to purchase. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


right now I have 2 different kinds of mushrooms, pulsing xenia, green star polyps, and some unknown botton polyps. I was wanting to eventually add some sps (some montipora), and definately a clam....what is lps???? I'm sure I know what they are, but right now I'm drawing a blank... here's a link to the system that I'm thinking about buying.


LPS=Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
if you get metal halides, you may want too keep some of your corals at the bottom, mh's are too much liught for some corals. 2x175 mh's would be good, id wait for someone else though, or wait for bang. bang can help you more then i can....

bang guy

KrUnK was definately on the right track. As I remember the 46 is 3' long?? A pair of 175's would be great IMO but you would have a really bright spot in the middle. This could be an advantage. Another approach would be a 250 in the middle and a PC bulb at each end.
It's an odd shape and length to light with Halide but if you don't mind bright spots I'd go with a pair of 175's.
BTW - There are other board members much more knowledgeable about lighting configurations than I. If you start another post titled "Lighting a 46 Bowfront" you'll probably get more and better ideas.