Bang, Squidd....Anyone who can answer this..Please


Active Member
although some may disagree with me on this, I think you need to take a step back and leave it alone.
I think you are having problems becuase you are in the process of changing salts and your tank is still new and unstable. I can't explain where the calcium is coming from, but I suspect one or a combination of the following:
a.) bad test kit
b.) incorrect testing procedures
c.) bad salt
d.) inconsistent husbandry
If it were me, I would change over to a DSB, decide which salt you want to use and stick with it. Then, get into a routine that you stick to religously. i.e. 5% water change with properly aerated salt, daily top off to maintain salinity, etc.
Once you have been doing your routine for a while, your numbers will calm down a bit, stabilize, and probably drop. Because your tank is so new, you probably have little to nothing in there that is going to consume the Ca, and since you are using a salt with an apparently high Ca level, you are going to accumulate Ca ions.
So my advise . . . . leave it alone.


Active Member

Originally posted by Jess74
Thanks for the input! Hmm... then maybe I do have too much air. If I draw the plunger back so its at the 1.0 mark; like the directions say. Then I have an air bubble that goes from the 1.0 to the 0.8. So what your saying 007, is that the bubble should only go to the 0.9 mark right? :notsure:

This is what I'm suspecting is happening...
If you pull the plunger back to the 1.0 mark and you have a bubble that goes to the 0.8 mark you only have 0.8 cc in the syringe...If you then titrate the plunger down to the 0.1 mark to get a color change the chart says you dispensed 0.9 of the fluid = "X" calcium
When in fact you only dispensed 0.8 (that's all you had in there to start) and a bunch of air...Look at the chart to see what 0.8 = in calcium and that will be closer to your true level...
I'm suspicious because your test results of a couple different "out of the bucket" salt mixes are at levels higher than most people will report...
Basicly, there is NO salt mix that comes out of the bucket at 495 cal... Or we would ALL be using it...:D


Yes I think I'll be the first one not to agree
. Maybe a, b, or c. Don't think its D, I haven't made any changes other then my salt and even then it wasn’t drastic change; When I had first started my LFS sold me IO, that was ok, until I mixed it up and found I have some kind of allergy to 'imitation salt water' that's why I tried different brands, I changed to Reef Crystals right away; I didn't use anymore IO. Then when Oceanic came out with their new one I got a free sample pack and mixed it up; it was better then the Reef Crystals, not only does it mix nice but it causes the least amount of irritation to my skin then the others had. That's reason I decided to change salt. HOWEVER I haven't used any of the Oceanic yet, I just bought it. Sorry for being long winded, but I want you to understand that I don't just on a whim change something. I keep everything to a routine, including water changes, products used, etc. The only thing, was the BAD mistake I made a little while ago when I changed both of the filter pads in my canister; newbie mistake but I know better now. :rolleyes: I could be totally wrong of course and it was the changing of the salt, don’t know!?
Anyway... I guess maybe I'll try making sure the air bubble only goes to the 0.9 and see what that does. Then do my CC change and wait and see. :scared:
Thanks to everyone who tried to help and figure this out, I've learned some new things about water quality through this; I appreciate everyone’s input and advice! Guess I'll just have to see what happens!
Thanks all :D