bangai addition question


I have a 6 month old 29 gallon with 2 clowns.
I am QTing a royal gramma for addition to the main in 2 weeks.
I am considering one final addition, perhaps a bangai cardinal. My LFS has a dozen or so and I am having trouble resisting.
Are they aggressive?
Will they want to eat my peppermint shrimp?
Any advice?

bang guy

They are only aggressive to other Banggai. If the Shrimp will fit in their mouth then they might eat them. If they are adult Shrimp then they're safe.


What fits in their mouth?!!
That doesn't sound reef safe to me.
I like all my shrimp, maybe I should pass on the bangai?


Do any bangaii owners have any stories about these guys eating shrimp? or any advice on adding a bangaii to a peaceful tank with clowns, a cleaner and a few peppermint?
I also noticed some posts a month or two ago about WC fish being affected by a parasite? Should these fish be avoided right now?

bang guy

My Banggai have not eaten any of my ornamental Shrimp. I don't put baby shrimp in their tank though.
Wild Caught Banggai should be avoided at all costs. Tank bred Banggai are available and safe.


New Member
Wild Caught Bangai should be avoided at all costs.
Why should wild caught bangai be avoided??:thinking:

bang guy

Their numbers in the wild are shrinking rapidly. If we continue importing this fish at the current rate then I believe we will damage the population beyond all hope of recovery.