bangaii cardinal question


I've had a bangaii cardinal now for about 6 months and he's been doing great. I would like to add another one and want to know if there are any special considerations to take in. Will there be any problems adding a 2nd?


Active Member
IME 2 Bengaii Cardinals in the same tank will not work. They will most likely fight to the death.

barry cuda

Member doesn't sell captive-bred cardinals, so I don't think this post is outside the rules - does anybody know of a source for captive-bred banggais?

bang guy


Originally posted by goldenboy
Will there be any problems adding a 2nd?

Possibly. If you have a Male and you add a female there will be no problem.
If you have a male and you add a Male they will fight until one or both are dead.
If you have a female and you add a female there is a chance they will fight but they will probably just ignore each other.