we had to feed ours frozen brine shrimp and squid with a turkey baster at first, we have to use it for our scooter anyway, so now when we get out teh turkey baster, the shy old bengaii comes running out from his corner, but he wasn't eating at first,
anyhow, if you can't get him to eat this am, i'd call the lfs you bought him at and see what they weere using, maybe he got used to something they have, we had this problem with t apair of clowns, and when we called, he told us what to try and if that did not work in 1 day that he wanted the fish back ASAP anyhow sadly he got them back(my wife really liked theat pair) and was able to save them and we got another pair and in a couple of days they were eating again but the point is, did he save them or were they gonna start eating anyway? i don't know but i'm glad they are alive, and i am positive his efforts did help the situation(if anything it didn't hurt)