Banggai tail eaten off

It would appear that my banggai are losing their fins.
One much more so than the other.
They have mated in the past, and do not seem to be "injured"...just pruned. One has a nubby tail.
Both are eating.
What causes this...?
I know "other fish biting them", but is there a stress related behavior or mating,etc?


Bacterial fin rot?
What other fish do you have in your tank? What size, water params, how long have you had the cardinals?
I have had these two for at least two years,and I have added no livestock in 6 months or so.
Params are good, 1-10ppm nitrate and a little phosphae


It may be a wrap for your cardinals, I would take them out and put them in a QT so it does not spread. Damn hate when that happens! Good Luck Man