:help: Ok heres the deal, theres a guy I am trying to help. He has a 120 with corals (mixed softies, musrooms, etc.). His water para for ammo, no2 and no3 are all good (0,0, and less than 5). The trouble is his PH is 8.8, cal is 300 and dkh is 22. He is using the kent pt c & b every 3 days, sometimes uses kalk (don't know why), as well as red sea coralgro occasionally. He aid about a month ago he started using kent liquid calcium concentrate and notice his coralline stopped growing and started fading (turning white. By the way I tested his water. I adviced him to stop adding the chemicals to his tank and do a at least a 25% water change let the tank be for a week and not put anything except food in the tank.
1) did I advice him corrrect?
2) what do you think is the problem?
1) did I advice him corrrect?
2) what do you think is the problem?