BangGuy or kip another MH ?


i am thinking of going to MH, this may be a dumb question! but i am researching on how to hook up MH's to my 100gal tank.i have been running 4 VHO's 560 watts all together, two blue's two whites, my question is once i do this do i need to acclamate all my corals to this new lighting, most everything in my tank has been under the VHO's for three years, and have been very happy. but when i put in the MH's will it send them into shock for awhile? i have been reading other peoples threads on here about MH's but i don't remember seeing any coments on how the corals and stuff do when the lights are turned on for the first time. i do know that all my corals will love it when all said and done, but is there some percaution i need to take when i first hook them up? i would appreciate your inputes on this. or anybody else who can help.
thanks tonya-sr


i am very sorry if i have ofended anyone
. i just see Kip and BangGuy trying to help other people, anyone can help me.and bigmac i would appreciate your input into this also, so if everyone will please forgive me, i will try not to step on anyones toes.
thank you tonya-sr

bang guy

Don't worry Tonya, they still love each other.
Can you raise your canopy a couple feet and bring it down an inch a day?
If not then start with a couple of hours of light and increase it 1/2 hour a day.
If the Big Mac has more to add I'd listen to him.


hi everyone, i have been on for about a month and a half, and i know i might ask some pretty dumb ?'s, i have had my 100gal reef set up and running for over three years now. with no crashes, and no big losses. but as i look through all of your threads, i realize i know nothing about reefing, so i'm just trying to consume any and all info i can get, so if i am asking some realy dumb questions, i appoligise for this. i am trying to keep from anything happening to my tank. it is very special to me. so if my questions get to dumb, please , just let me know.i am sending some pics so you all can see why i ask ?'s. i don't want to lose this.
thanks for every bodys inputs


#8 these are just some of the reasons i ask so many ?'s, and i appalagise if they are dumb ?'s. i just don't want to lose anything.


hi Bang Guy, thanks for the reply, no i can't raise my canopy, but i can start slow with the lighting. i kind of thought thats what i needed to do, but i just wanted to make sure, thanks for your advise.
and Nas,my clam is a Tridacna Maxima, it's from the red sea, and some are even more blue than the one i have, it has been in my tank now for almost three years. and doing great with just 560 watts VHO's, i can't wait until i get my new MH's opperating.


hey Bang Guy, i guess i just wasn't told that i couldn't keep a maxima, with VHO's. plus he's always been at the top of my tank, and i change my VHO's about every six to eight months, so i don''t lose lighting dinsity, if that is what it's called. and all my water preamters are at-0-, and i'm running my salinity at 1.025-.026. so all has been well. and thanks for the complement.